✰ chapter fifty six ✰

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i woke up and the flat was still silent, the only sounds being the birds chirping outside. diagon alley would still be empty aside from shop keepers preparing for the day.

i pulled myself out of the bed and into the bathroom. the cold tiles on the floor paired with my lack of pants sent instant goosebumps up my legs. today i would leave for malfoy manor for the next few days until i can finally stay here with the boys.

i turned on the shower and stepped under the hot water as quick as i could, not allowing myself to stay so long as to wake fred. i tiptoed back into our room where you could hear the chattering of people down below the flat.

i slipped into a short black velvet dress and pulled on a pair of black heels that had a platform on them. a blue silvery mist floated through the window and hovered above fred's sleeping body.

"lyra." it was mad eye moody's voice.

fred shifted and his eyes opened, glancing between me and the mist floating in our room.

"your mission has been changed. your first visit to the malfoy's was successful, you will stay there until i tell you to come back."

the mist faded away into the air i i shot a quick look at fred who sat up in the bed. his hair was messy and a frown was evident on his face, thinking to himself.



"it's not safe there." he was running his fingers through his hair, hunched over on the edge of the bed.

"don't be daft fred. i've been before, it'll be fine. besides, draco watches out for me."

"that makes no difference."

"i'm not a child anymore!" i snapped, closing my trunk of clothes. "i start at at mungo's on monday, i won't be home all the time anyways."

"fine," he grumbled, now standing in front of me. i let my hands slither around his waist and he held me close.

"anything happens, you tell me." he wasn't asking this time, he was telling me.

my head rest against his bare chest, making him look even paler in contrast to my black hair. i listened to his heart beating, thinking about the last day i had spent with him. only a few hours ago he was proposing to me and now i was leaving.

narcissa and bella very likely had a plan to marry draco and i. it would be a very public display so it was to be expected that i would have time to kill before i did something.

i kissed fred goodbye as he tied his tie and i took hold of my wand and trunk and apparated to the malfoy manor. i stumbled forward, almost hitting the floor before hands wrapped around me and pulled me straight.

i was in the first floor ball room with draco standing behind me. the rest of the malfoy family weren't here and i sighed in relief.

"well it's better than using the fireplace," draco said while pulling me into a hug.

"i was aiming for foyer," i mumbled sheepishly, dropping my chin to my chest.

"well it's better than last time."

i looked up at draco who was about six foot tall now. he had dark bags under his eyes and he was thin, almost frail.

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