✰ chapter fifteen ✰

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i boarded the train with the weasley family wishing mr and mrs weasley goodbye and finding the compartment lee was waiting in. just like every other year he sat surrounded by chocolate frogs and all kinds of sweets.

"hello lee, summer good?" i asked.

"same as usual. did you go to the quidditch?"

"yep, and that dirty coward bagman lost the bet and refused to give us our reward."

"not to worry though, we've already sent ten owls." we proceeded to tell lee all about the quidditch and the death eaters.

"oh no, i'm out of sweets." lee said sifting through the empty wrappers. the three of them had been talking about quidditch and this was the perfect excuse to leave.

"i've got it, don't you worry." i left the compartment walking down the train in search of the trolly lady. after walking for about ten minutes somebody walked out of their own compartment bumping into me.

"lyra? how are you princess?"

"what did i say about calling me princess."

"you know you love it. where are you going?"

"lee wanted some more sweets. what about you?"

"prefects meeting." he said looking down at me.

"you better not be late. i need you as a prefect, i won't get into any trouble." he laughed and made his way down the train and i spotted the trolly lady.

"four pumpkin pasties and a chocolate frog please," i said handing her the money and returning to the compartment.


"clear the runway," hagrid yelled as the entire school watched carriages that were flown by horses land on the ground. i stood beside the twins and lee watching in awe. we then turned to see a large ship emerge from below the lake coming towards the castle. i managed to catch cedric's eye which winked at me. once we were seated in the hall dumbledore began speaking.

"now we're all settled in and sorted,
i'd like to make an announcement. this
castle will not only be your home this
year but home to some very special guests as well. you see hogwarts has been chosen-" dumbledore was interrupted by filtch who came running in.

"hogwarts has been choosen to host
a legendary event. the tri-wizard tournament. now for those of you who do not know, the tri-wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. from each school a single contestant is selected to compete. now let me be clear, if choosen you stand alone. and trust me when i say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later.

for now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the beauxbatons academy of magic and their headmistress madam maxime."

a group of girls dressed in blue silk dance up the aisle and release butterflies into the air catching everyone's attention. followed behind them a women with a long face who was taller than hagrid dressed in fur. "and now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of durmstrang and the high master igor karkaroff."


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