✰ chapter forty seven ✰

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when i woke up fred was already awake. his fingers traced down the side of my face and it was strange for him to already be awake. my legs were tense but didn't necessarily hurt.

"morning love."

"morning freddie." he pressed a sweet kiss to my lips and then lay back down.
our legs entangled with one anothers and he lay on his side, brushing the hairs off my face. the window was open and although the curtains were drawn we could still feel the cool breeze.

"so tell me how exactly you managed to get wound up with the chosen ones trouble?" he asked me with a smirk.

i continued to recount every single detail of the department of mystery to going back to school. it was likely molly or even remus had been the one to tell them.

"it wasn't the same without you or george. it was quite lonely actually, even though i had lee and angie." he chuckled lightly, his breath fanning over my face.

"i wasn't gone that long love."

"long enough," i hummed. "maybe we can start getting the shop ready today." i smiled.

"that sounds like a genius plan."

"almost as genius as my aunts plan," i mumbled under my breath.

"what plan?"

"oh, you heard that?"

"what did malfoy do?" fred still refused to use his name but it didn't bother me as much anymore.

"well, he said that the reason i was invited over for christmas is because, well it's because they want us to marry." i said nervously.

he sat there got a moment, not moving a single bone before he let out a quiet sigh. he now sat on the edge of the bed with his legs spread wide and his back hunched over. his hands were fiddling with one another as he cracked his knuckles.

"freddie?" it was soft, almost as if i spoke to loud he would snap and lose his mind. although his head was tilted down his eyes watched me carefully.

"did you know?"

"did i know what?" his demeanour slightly scared me. the only time i had ever seen him this angry was when we fought about cedric and when he was kicked off the quiddich team because of his fight with draco.

the fight he had with my cousin left him with a bloodied nose and a week in hospital. i never found out why exactly they had fought but i did know that it took three people to hold fred back.

"that that git was trying to fuck you." it was harsh and i froze in my place. "so you did?" this was the last reaction i was expecting and my head was spinning.

"fred don't be stupid-"

"you had me, but you went with diggory. then when he decided to dump you, you went crawling back to me. and now, you're leaving me for your bloody cousin."

he now stood and was miles above me, as he spoke he took paces forward and he now towered over me in my seat. he was breathing heavily and a single vein popped out of his forehead but he still didn't raise his voice.

"fred i-i didn't-" i didn't like crying, ever. listening to him made my heart break and he had always been the one there for me.

"piss off lyra." he stormed out the room and i stood there frozen for a moment.

"i didn't know," i shouted meekly.

when george finally got home i went down the stairs to greet him. george walked in through the door and placed my trunk on the floor. he had spent the night at the burrow and his messy hair and dark bags told me it wasn't very pleasant. his face was grim as he spoke.

"mad eye came round, amelia bones is dead, death eaters." we all paused for a moment and i could feel fred's eyes on me, waiting for him to start singing 'i told you so.'

fred stood on the other side of the room, giving me a quick glance and then he huffed and smiled at his brother and walked back up the stairs towards the bedroom. i was surely going to get a lecture from him but i didn't want to explain to george what happened so i turned and walked to the back of the shop where the stock was.

i'm sorry my updating schedule is so shitty, i'm trying

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