✰ chapter seven ✰

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The twins and I were walking down the corridor, finding any first year we could to test our new Skiving Snack Box. We had about seven of them already in the twin's room, but testing them was much better than building.

"Ello mate," George said, seeing the first year passing the corridor we're in.

"Why don't you come to try some sweets with the big boys." I absolutely hated it when they referred to themselves as 'the big boys'.

"I don't know. I've heard about the three of you," he said, pointing at us.

"There's nothing to worry about, mate, see." I pulled a cough lolly out of my pocket and popped it into my mouth.

"Well alright then, hang on, Denis!" He shouted to his friend behind him who came running over followed by another boy who looked awfully like Colin Creevey. Each one of them took a sweet from the box and ate it without hesitation. In seconds, the boy named Denis started vomiting, and the first boy began sneezing uncontrollably. We all watched the last boy walk over to the bench next to us and sat before beads of sweat came rolling down his face.

"Oi," a voice shouted from down the hall. We looked up and saw Filtch and broke into a sprint. George ran one way and Fred and I another, when we turned one more corridor we were met with the cold, black eyes of Snape who grabbed both of our arms and dragged us to Filtch.

"Oh come on, Professor, we haven't even done anything," I lied.

"Highly unlikely. What did they do now, Argus?"

"They fed some first years something, and now they're vomiting all over the place. I have to clean that!"

"Detention Mr Weasley, Miss Black. Meet me outside of Gryffindor tower in fifteen minutes for your detention."

"Yes, sir," we said in unison. Fred and I walked back up to the tower, where we knew George was waiting with a smug look on his face.

"Oh shut up you git," I grumbled, walking in and smacking him.

"It's not my fault the two of you dec-" George was cut off by the sweet Fred had shoved in his mouth. He sat on the couch immediately and grabbed his head and squeezed it.

"Well, we best be on our way, Georgie. See you later." Fred grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the boy and out of the portrait where Snape was standing.

"Clean the castle. No magic. I'll know." He dropped two buckets on the floor with two sponges and walked away smugly.

"How inspirational, truly." Fred wiped away an invisible tear and I burst out laughing.

"Shut up you dim wit, come on." Fred and I cleaned the castle way past curfew, but now we just lay on the floor laughing at mindless things the other was saying.

"Do you think that if we break up with George, he'll go to Lee? Will Lee be on our side?"

"How do we break up with your brother?"

"We say, George, our time together was great, but I think it's time you and I go our separate ways. You'll find someone almost as good as the two of us but for now, I just need some space."

"Oh, Freddie, that was heartbreaking. You would kill him," I told him, laughing.

"A man's got to do what a man's got to do." This was the reason I started liking Fred. There was never a moment where I wasn't laughing, or we were ever fighting.

"So you stayed with Diggory last night?"

I take that back.

"Yeah, we were hanging out."

"Do, uh, do you like him?"

"I don't know Fred."

"Did you sleep in his dorm?"

"No, I came back. Hermione was still awake." He didn't utter another word to me, he just stood up and pulled me up before walking back towards the tower.


"Please open your books to page 212." Remus hadn't said a single word to me all morning, and I was just waiting for him to burst and yell at me about last night. We were learning about Dementors, I know, how ironic. Fred also hasn't spoken to me all morning, and George just offered me a sympathetic smile. I waited at the end of class for Remus to say something to me.

"Three first years, Lyra. I thought you were better than that."

"Re," I trailed off.

"Do you know how worried the boys were?"

"It won't happen again, I promise." With that, I walked out of the classroom and was greeted by Cedric.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, why are you here?"

"Well I noticed the twins weren't talking to you, and they walked away, so you probably don't want to walk alone, so here I am."

"Thank you," I said, chuckling. We walked side by side towards the Great Hall, but just before we walked in, he stopped me.

"So, uh, do you want to come with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

"Hogsmeade? Well, I have to ask the boys, but I'll get back to you." We both walked to our allocated tables and I pulled out my homework, not being able to see him through the heads of all the students.

"So Hogsmeade this weekend? What are we going to do?" Lee asked, sitting next to me and pulling out his own homework, which I knew he wouldn't even do.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could go with someone this weekend." Straight away, Lee answered with an of course. The twins on the other hand looked at each other for about a minute before George nodded a small yes.

"Fred?" But he didn't pay any attention to me, so George gave me a sympathetic smile. At dinner, I managed to catch Cedric's eye and I nodded yes to him, making his face light up.

"What was that?" Angelina asked, noticing me looking at him.

"Oh, he asked me to go to Hogsmeade, so I told him yes," I informed the inquisitive girl sitting beside me.

"Hogsmeade? With Cedric? A date? Oh, Merlin, baby, Lyra's going on a date." She squealed, I watched Fred roll his eyes and scoff, still not looking at me.

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