✰ chapter thirty two ✰

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i slipped out of fred's warm bed once again and tiptoed out of the boy's dorm. my feet were barefoot and although the floor was carpeted, it was still icy cold in gryffindor tower.

a few students were sitting on the couch trying to finish their last minute homework and others curled up reading. when it was still the early mornings it was rare to see students out of bed, most don't go to the great hall because of the breakfast times and the prompt silence. after shutting my door i stepped into the bathroom removing my clothes, and stepping into the shower.

the steaming water hit my back and i sunk my head under the water, squeezing my eyes shut. i allowed the hot water to warm my body up before i began washing my hair, burying my hands deep into the roots. it wasn't until i heard a knock on the door i turned the tap off and stepped out, wrapping the towel around me.

"just give me two minutes," i called out, yet there was no reply. once my uniform was on i walked out to see angelina sitting up in her bed, dressed in her quidditch robes.

"finally, you coming to watch training?" she stood up straight, lifting up her broom. i nodded and walked out of the four bed dorm. there was now more students awake and the sun began to creep through the windows. majority of the people were the gryffindor team, and those who liked to attend practice. angelina and i walked down the stairs however she separated to talk to harry.

"good morning love," fred bent over planting a soft kiss on my lips. the heat rose to my face and my cheeks blushed a soft pink colour. once geroge caught sight of me he knew exactly what he needed to do.

"oh don't do that fred, look." he pointed at me. "lyra's blushing." my hand rose and i gave him a firm smack on the arm and he cowered away.

"that's what i thought you little prick." fred held my hand as we walked down to the quidditch pitch. i seperated from him and george and made my way to the stands, but only once i was close i noticed the silvery blonde head of hair watching the players intently.

"are you just going to stare at me cousin or are you going to sit?" draco said without shifting his gaze from the pitch. i sat beside him and rested my head on his shoulder trying to work out what he's doing.

"what are you doing here dray?"

"it's come to my understanding you're dating a weasley," he finally looked at me but he had a soft frown on his face. "which one is it?" he grumbled.

"fred," i said crossing my arms trying to stay warm.

"alright then. i won't tell father, but if i ever see you two even hugging. don't think i wont do something," i laughed and shook my head. i glanced up to see fred watching draco and i with a worried face. i smiled, reassuring him and he continued on with his training.


at breakfast eddie swooped low and dropped four different envelopes in front of me. two of them i was expecting, remus and dad's answers to my previous letters but the other two i wasn't sure about.

i began with my dad's letter which was filled with threats on what he would do to toad face unlike remus who reassured me and said he had written to dumbledore. remus was always very level headed but i wasn't sure what really to expect from my dad.

i had heard stories of what he was like in school, practically like the twins and lee but of course the lady's man. he also wrote about living back in grimmauld place, alone with the occasional drop in. although the portrait of his mother no longer hung in the entry, the house was still like a bad dream he'd walked into.

i made a mental note to redecorate the house over the holidays before picking up the next letter. fred leaned over when he saw the matching envelope to his own.

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