✰ chapter forty one ✰

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we finally had a DA meeting but like usual i already knew the spells. i had excelled in charms and defence against the dark arts so this wasn't hard. although the twins were even better than me at charms their defence magic wasn't very good.

"make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. allow it to fill you up. keep trying, seamus." harry was teaching us how to produce a patronus charm and it seemed almost everybody struggled. harry then turned to george with a smile, instructing him to begin.

"expecto patronum!" a thin white mist flew out the end of his wand forming the shape of a magpie. it flew high above the students then would swoop low and circle them.

"a full-bodied patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents. fantastic, ginny!" the youngest weasley child had produced a beautiful horse patronus.

"come on freddie, it's your turn," i encouraged him. he raised his wand and a matching magpie flew above us.

"alright!" the twins smiled at each other and laughed while they high fived. of course they would have identical patronus'.

"alright ly, your turn," george ushered.

"expecto patronum." my usual wolf padded around the room, circling multiple students. until recently i didn't understand why remus was so shocked the first time, now that i had met my dad it made sense. when harry noticed it, he smiled brightly at me, noticing how familiar it looked to my father.

we were interrupted by the room shaking, the lights flickered for a moment and all the patronus' disappeared. the crystals on the chandelier were shaking and we all gathered in front of where the sound was coming from. the glass on the wall cracked before shattering on the ground. harry and ron stood in front and the twins raised their wands, fred holding my hand.

harry and nigel walked right up to were there was a hole in the wall before sprinting away. before anyone could comprehend what was happening the wall exploded, making clouds of smoke fill the room. fred pushed me behind him so that i was not hit by the blast and once the air had cleared, toad face and the slytherin's walked in. draco held cho by her robes and pulled her so that we could see her.

draco had let go of cho and under toad face's orders the slytherin's marched in and grabbed us. he made his way straight over to me so that nobody else could and for a moment fred put up a fight. i gave him a smile to reassure him and he let his hand drop from mine. they pulled us out of the room of requirement as harry and cho were led in the opposite direction.

"what are you doing cousin?" i hissed at him. the twins had made sure they walked behind me so that they could make sure i was okay. draco's grip on me wasn't hard but he steered me in the direction he wanted me to go.

"what? you wanted parkinson to grab you?"

"that's not what i meant."

"you're the one that's going against the school and the ministry. let's just hope mother and father don't find out you're a part of this."

"what does that mean?"

"they'll be furious, you'll be considered a traitor. and mother, she's been planning our wedding since you left." he whispered.

"our wedding?" i stopped walking and my mouth hung open in shock.

"keep walking. why do you think she had the party on christmas? it was to introduce you to everyone."

"oh my god." we rounded the corner to the gryffindor tower and the slytherin's all let go of us and stood at the back watching. hermione whispered the password to the fat lady and her portrait swung open. we stepped through the portrait while draco and his friends left down the corridor. nobody knew what was happening with harry but everyone besides ron and hermione left for their dorms.

the following day was hectic. everyone was mad at cho and when we walked out of our detention to see her waiting for us we were furious. some said things and some even shoved her as they walked past but she waited until harry walked out. george and lee left together but fred and i went to the library. it was filled with fifth and seventh years who were preparing for their owls and newts.

fred guided me towards the back, beside the restricted section where there was an empty table. we placed our books down and he sat beside me, swinging his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into a hug.

i could feel his eyes watching me but i continued reading the book. he didn't care about studying because him and george were ready to leave school. they bought their shop and already had lot's of stock to sell.

"do we have to study?" he ran his fingers through my hair and began kissing down my jaw.

"fred we're in the library," he trailed down to my neck.

"i don't care."

"well i do," george said, sitting opposite us.

"what happened to lee?" i asked pushing fred off me.

"angelina came." lee had recently formed quite the big crush on angelina and it was cute to be honest. i studied while the twins goofed around until we were kicked out when it was curfew. i held both their hands while i skipped down the corridor giggling loudly.

i came to a stop when i noticed Michael, a younger gryffindor who sat on a bench crying while cradling his hand. george and i sat on either side of him and fred kneeled in front of him.

"what's your name?"

"michael," he answered fred's question.

"your hands going to be fine michael."

"yeah, it's not as bad as it seems. see, its fading already."

"you can hardly see ours anymore," i told him while showing my own hand.

"the pain stops after a while." harry had rounded the corner and was slowly approaching us. we looked away from michael at toad face clearing her throat. she stood in the doorway dressed in pink robes with a smile on her face.

"as i told you once before mr potter, naughty children deserve to be punished." she smiled a moment longer before turning back into the headmasters office.

"you know george, i've always felt our futures lay outside of the world of academic achievement."

"fred, i've been thinking the exact same thing." we stared at the doorway a moment longer before walking back to the gryffindor tower.

i finally started editing the marriage law and i'm writing a bunch of new stories.

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