✰ chapter thirty eight ✰

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i stretched my arms, cracking the joints as i moved for the first time. the black silk bed sheets practically swallowed me and a cool blow of wind breezed over me as i pulled them off. although i heard my uncle and aunt walking around earlier, draco was still in his bedroom. it was christmas morning and i pulled the long dress down from where it was hanging and threw it across the bed.

there was no way for me to know who would arrive for the lunch today but i was certainly nervous. i removed my pajamas and pulled on a corset. i spent almost 10 minutes trying to lace it up myself until i gave up with a loud sigh. there was a gentle knock on the door and narcissa walked in.

"lyra dear, what's happened?"

"i think it's impossible to lace your own corset at this point."

"come here." she laughed and made me face the wall. i raised my arms and pressed them against the wall as she weaved the ribbon. in a sharp tug, she pulled the ribbon, squeezing me tighter. by the time she was done i was struggling to breath.

"thank you very much." she walked out the door and i could here the clicking of her heels fade in the direction of draco's room. i raised the dress from the bed and pulled it over my head. the black material managed to made me look even paler and more like a black family member. i let my hair down into it's natural curls and put on some natural makeup.

once i was done i slipped on black heels and walked out of my temporary bedroom. draco's door opened just after mine and i gave him a small smile. he walked towards me, confidence oozing out of him and he pulled me into a tight hug. i was taken aback at first but i embraced him back after a moment.

i wrapped my arms around his neck while he squeezed my waist very tightly. i dropped my head onto his shoulder, taking a deep inhale of his scent. there was a large chatter at the bottom of the staircase and music playing.

"merry christmas draco."

"merry christmas lyra. thanks for coming." we pulled away from the embrace and he held his arm out for me. i accepted it and we walked down the grand staircase together. narcissa and lucius met us at the bottom, lucius giving a cold greeting and narcissa pulling us both into hugs.

"come lyra dear, i must introduce you." she pulled me in the direction of three women, all dressed in black. "this is my darling niece, lyra. the one i spoke to you about."

"oh she's beautiful. looks just like her father."

"such a shame that boy was always causing trouble." the second one said.

"she's nothing like him, although she is a gryffindor." they all took a sharp breath at narcissa's words.

"is this the one you're thinking of for draco?" the first lady said.

"i'm sorry?" i asked, turning to my aunt.

"we'll speak of that another time. draco!"

"yes mother," he said joining us.

"take lyra to see your friends." draco gave me a small smile, while he guided me towards his group of slytherins. i never got along with them but i tolerated blaise the most.

he was quiet, stuck to himself and never picked a fight. he was probably the definition of tall, dark and handsome. his jaw was sharp and although he wasn't rude, he was secretive.

after talking with draco and his 'goons', he led me towards the middle of the room where couples were dancing.

"mother's most pleased about you being here, you know. soon she'll be trying to get you to move in." draco said placing his hands on my waist.

"those women over there," i said nodding towards the three ladies. "they think that we're getting married."

"it must be one of her plans."

"they never work, but she'll try." i let out a breathy chuckle and smiled at him. "you'll be happy to get back to the weasels."

"oh don't start."

once the lunch was over, draco walked me to my room. he gave me a cheesy smile before continuing into his own and shutting the door. when i pulled my own open, it revealed presents on my bed. i opened each box, some filled with clothes and expensive dresses, others with books and novels.

"oh, it's beautiful." i lifted up one of the dresses, its green material dropped to the floor and the lace detail made it even more beautiful. i packed everything into my trunk and i changed out of the dress and into black jeans and my weasley jumper.

i charmed my trunk to follow behind me and i made my way down the staircase. my uncle sat at the table with papers in front of him and narcissa sat on the couch reading a book. draco stood in the doorway and smirked at my jumper when he saw me. i rolled my eyes and gave him a small shove as i walked past.

"i ought to get going aunt and uncle. they will be expecting me about now. thank you for having me, it was lovely."

"nonsense. this is your home, you're welcome here all the time. isn't that right lucius?"

"hm. oh yes." he glanced up from his papers for a mere second before returning.

"thank you. i shall see you soon." i waved goodbye and stepped into the fireplace in the next room over.

"you're not going to say goodbye to me?"

"well you're a bit of a rat so no." his mouth hung open and his eyebrows were raised. "i'm messing with you cousin." i gave him one last hug before flooing to 12 grimmauld place.

lyra's dress

lyra's dress

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