🦖🦕CHAPTER 68🦖🦕

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"Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice and I saw Yamaguchi with Tsukishima. Yamaguchi with a worried expression and Tsukishima with deadpanned expression. I wiggled myself from Akio's grip and start running towards Tsukishima. Tears running on my cheeks. I hugged his arm but he easily gets off by my hug.

"don't touch me you bitch" he said making me freeze on my spot looked at him in shock.

"Tsukishima I think its too mu-"

"Urusai Yamaguchi" he cut off Yamaguchi.

"Tsukishima I can explain" I said and cried and looking at him but he was too focused glaring at Akio.

"I've seen enough" he simply answered then walked off. I cried and Yamaguchi gave me a soft patted on my shoulder and goes to Tsukishima.

"I told you, we can at least try-" I cut him off with a slap on his face and I walked away. I saw Kageyama.

"did you saw what happened?" I asked him and he nervously nodded. I cried even more and go to the girls' bathroom.

I splashed some water on my face and wiped it. I looked at the mirror and cried again. I managed not to cry anymore and inhaled deeply. I went to the gym and took a little peek from the door and went home. Once I reached home, I laid down on the couch and waited for Tsukishima.

Tsukishima's POV

I saw Y/N and Akio kissing and I just looked at them deadpanned. Y/N tried to explain but I cut her off


I went to the gym and starts practicing. After a few minutes of practicing. Yamaguchi walked towards me.

"Aren't you gonna hear Y/N perspective?" he asked me but I shut him off.

I went to our house and opened the door. I saw Y/N sleeping on the couch still in her uniform and she woke up and stood up immediately and hugged me.

"Please hear me out" she said but I ignored her. "Baby Kei" she said and looked at me in the eyes and gave me puppy eyes.

"I'm tired Y/N " I said and pushed her lightly to break her hug and left her in the living room. I went to the shower to refreshen myself and go to our bedroom and laid on the bed and sleep.

I felt the bed sink but I still keep my eyes shut. I felt Y/N's lips connected to mine and she whispered 'I love you.

*Timeskip Morning*

I woke up and saw Y/N sleeping beside me. I stood up and went to the kitchen and make breakfast. After cooking breakfast, I heard some soft footsteps and I saw Y/N. She sat down and I gave her, her plate with food and then left her alone in the kitchen and go to school.

As for now I'm giving her silent treatment until I forgot what happened. I saw Daichi walking towards me.

"Tsukishima, we have a practice match with the girls today" Daichi said and I nodded.


I went to the gym and change my clothes. After changing I heard some familiar voices. I went out of the changing room and I saw Y/N with puffy and her friends. I went to the bench to put my things then I heard one friend said something.

"we're gonna parttttyyyyy later, I'm EXCITED" she said

I forgot they are going to the bar later.

Y/N giggled and looked at me but I still don't talk to her.

Your Baby Kei~ (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now