🦖🦕CHAPTER 86🦖🦕

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We are going to my house now and we are currently preparing.

"Kei what do you think of this?" I asked him and did a little twirl for him to see my outfit

"Kei what do you think of this?" I asked him and did a little twirl for him to see my outfit

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"mhm" he said and left me alone in the bedroom. I glared at him and sighed. I grabbed my phone and went down.

"Let's go" I said and went outside.

*Timeskip At Y/N's House*

I entered the house and saw Rex and mom is not here. I went to my bedroom and I saw Rex sleeping.

"REX" I shouted and she woke up and go to me. "I missed you my baby" I said and pet her. I picked her up and went downstairs and I saw Tsukishima wearing headphones and  scrolling through his phones. Rex wiggled herself and I put her down and she went directly to Tsukishima.

"aww look she missed you too" I said and smiled widely. Tsukishima patted Rex head twice and went back to scrolling.

"come here girl" I said and patted my lap and she went to my lap. I pet her and put all my attention to her.

"who's my good little girl?" I said and she laid down and showed me her stomach. "YOU ARE" I exclaimed and scrubbed her stomach. She left and returned with a ball in her mouth and dropped infront of me.

"awww you wanna play ball? Ok.... FETCH" I said as I throw the ball and she run and catch it. She returned after some minutes and laid down on the floor

Maybe she's tired

I laid on my stomach beside her and pet her.

"such a cute little girl, wants to play with mommy" I said as I pecked her head.

"Are you done?" I heard Tsukishima said and so I looked at him with a confused expression on my face and stopped petting Rex

"what do you mean?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Are. You. Done?" he said sternly making me nervous.

Did I do something wrong?

"with?" I said and stared at him

"ignoring me" he answered making me raised my eyebrows.


"I'm not ignoring you, you're busy with your phone" I said and rolled my eyes and continued to pet Rex.

"I'm not the one who's spending more time with a DOG instead of MY BOYFRIEND" he said and emphasizing the 'my boyfriend' and that makes me giggled.

Jealous much?

"I see this is all about jealousy huh" I said and smirked.

"I never said that" he defended

"It's in your eyes" I said and smiled because of his cuteness.

"I would never lose to a dog" he said and scrolled again through his phone.

"really? Because she's CUTER than you" I said and raises my voice when I said 'cuter'. I saw him rolles his eyes and looked at me.

"but I'm HOTTER than her" he said and also raised his voice when he said 'hotter' making me chuckled.

"and she liked to cuddle alot" I said and smirked in victory.

"I like......to cuddle too" he said makine me shock.

"did you just-" I said but he cut me off.

"shut up. no" he said and rolled his eyes.

"ok then, I guess I'll cuddle with Rex some more" I said and looked at Rex who's sleeping peacefully.

Tsukishima grabbed my hand making me stood up and dragged me upstairs. He opened my room and laid down. He wrapped his arms around me making me like trapped.

"Kei, I'm in the middle of loving Rex-"

"shut up, this is more important" he cut me off and snuggled. I closed my eyes deciding to take a nap.


I woke up and saw Tsukishima stretching.

"you're awake" he said and smiled a little.

"no I'm still sleeping" I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.

"Can we go to the park? I want Rex to have fun" I said and he looked at me and hesitantly nodded. I squealed and stretched and prepared myself. I grabbed Rex's leash and  attached to her collar.

"Tsukishima let's go" I called him and he went downstairs.

*Timeskip At The Park*

We went to the park and unleashed Rex and let her play and run around. I saw a tall tree that makes me want to climb it.

"Kei look there's a tree" I said excitedly and pointed at the tree. I heard him groaned making me confuse.

"what? Is this the first time that you saw a tree?" he said teasingly and I rolled my eyes. I went to the tree and I can feel Tsukishima following me. I started climbing on the tree.

"Oi what are you doing you little monkey?" he half shouted and I looked at him.

"Tsukishima catch me" I said as I jumped. He catched me easily and he looked at me and I knkw that I fucked up. I smiled nervously.

"Can you put me down?" I said nervously.

"will you be careful? Your ankle will be broken if I didn't catched you right now" of course, he scolded me.

"yeah yeah now put me down" I said as I wiggled myself. He put me down and I sat under the tree.

"hey remember when you said to a guy that you're my boyfriend?" I said and I saw him blushed and hummed in response.

"what's wrong with that?" he asked.

"nothing I just remembered" I looked at my phone to check the time and its already getting late. "and I remembered we need to go home now" I added and stood up. I grabbed Rex's leash and called her. After attaching the leash to her collar we started walking.

We reached home and opened the front door.

"Y/N" I heard my mom said and I went to hugged her.

"good evening ms. M/N" Tsukishima said plainly and bowed.

"please call me mom" my momsaid making me shock.

"mommm" I said and rolled my eyes and I saw Tsukishima blushed.

"There you are Rex, I've been searching for you" mom said and started petting Rex.

"mom we need to go home now, it's getting dark" I said and hugged her. She patted my back lightly and mumbled 'ok'.

We left the house and started walking quietly and then I decided to break the silence.

"Tsukishima do you think we will last forever?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders and I sighed.

Your Baby Kei~ (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now