Chapter 3

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Late at night, Rory got a text from the label asking him to come in one more time before the new year as they wanted to explain the arrangements for his tour. He tried hard not to disturb Ryleigh and made her some breakfast with a note explaining where he was gone. As she sleeps peacefully, he sees a smile on her face as he sets the warm toast and hot drink down next to her on the nightstand. Rory hates to suddenly leave her, particularly with his mother arriving today, because this will be the first time they're going to meet without him, as he's always been there.

He's driving his car, thinking over how much he adores Ryleigh, and there is not a day that goes by when he can't think about her. All the songs on his album are about her, even calling her his heroine. Also, he thinks about the tour and not doing one for a very long time makes him nervous.

He knows it'll be easier with Ryleigh around. When she toured, he went with her, explored all the places wherever it took them. However, when she left to travel around the world, Rory was not allowed to come due to his criminal record. He didn't want to be away from her, but she explained that everything would be just fine, and he trusted her. With that, Rory worked hard on his album while Ryleigh was gone.

Entering the studio, he sees his manager Matt, speaking to another man he has never seen before, the sharp, clean iron shirt, bootleg denim jeans and ruffled dark hair. Also, his arms covered in ink, and some were poking out of his collar. Rory studied him and noticed a confident and laidback attitude towards him.

'There you are, Rory, meet Cameron, your new tour manager.' Matt introduces him, and he shakes his hand. 'So, I'll let you both get on with the plans for the tour.' and he makes his exit.

'I'm sorry to call you in. I thought it would be best to meet in person. Always seem to get things done quicker.' He says and smiles with the whitest teeth he has ever seen, and it made is brown eyes pop.

'It's no problem.' Rory says, and Cameron moves his hand out to offer him to sit on the sofa.

'I just want to go through some things to make you aware of what we have ready before the new year...' he continues about the band he has ready, buses and accommodation for the tour. '...So, I have the buses booked for seven people.'

Rory counts the numbers in his head, 'Only 7?'

Cameron nods, 'Have I missed someone out?'

'I was hoping to bring my girlfriend along.'

'Oh...' he clicked his tongue, 'I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. We also have the support act ready. Ever heard of Valentina?' Rory nods. For a couple of years, she has been a well-known female singer but is not as much on the high radar as Ryleigh.

'She's magnificent.' he continues, 'I think you are going to get on well. Also, I spoke to Matt, and I think you two should do a song together for the tour.'

'You think so?' As he questions it, he believes there are not very alike pair to collab. Cameron explains they can start something after the new year.

'So, what's the reason you want to start in March?' Cameron asks as he passes some papers for him to sign.

'My girlfriends birthday is in February. Turning the big three-oh, want to give her a surprise party.'

He can see the happiness that portray in his eyes, 'Aint she the lucky girl.'

'More like, aren't I lucky.' Rory says as he takes the pen and writes his signature.

'She's something, eh?'

'More then you could imagine.' He passes back the papers.

'Is it just you and her, got any children?'

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