Chapter 56

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In the car journey back, she tells Rory what she has been up to while staying with Nana and how someone was coming around every day to ask questions. She was honest as possible and explained how it all happened. The way she described his abuse concerned the services and checked her over for any broken bones or sprains. It was only bruises, thankfully.

He stopped her from going into too much detail because it made him angry, mainly because it was supposed to be a happy day. They then discuss about Rex, and he says he already misses her. Rory has been telling him stories of how wonderful his big sister is.

They walk through the door while Ryleigh was on the phone and one hand by her other ear.

'Hang on, say that again?.... What? Really?... Oh my god, that's amazing!... I'll let him know...' Ryleigh notices Rory as she hangs up the phone.

'What's up?' He asks.

'Josh woke up...he seems to be ok....they're going to check him over, and he'll be home soon...' She speaks in shock.

'Thank god.'

Sinking in the news and seeing Rory again made her remember where he was.

Ryleigh twiddles with her fingers, 'What about you? How did it go?'

His face lit up with a smile, 'See for yourself.' and he moves to one side.

'Ryleigh!' Layla cries out and runs towards her.

'Oh my god, Layla!' She kneels to hug her tight, with tears streaming down her face when she sees her and hears the news about Josh.

'Why are you crying?' Layla questions as she releases.

Ryleigh sniffs and rubs her nose, 'These are happy tears.... I'm so glad you're here.'

'Me too.' and they squeeze each other one more time.

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