Chapter 15

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As Rory lies on the stone-cold ground with his eyes shut, and the rain is falling heavily on his body. His heart thumps vigorously as his lungs are starving for oxygen. The abrupt thud noise from his heart hit the sound of his ears and awakens. Everything was dark and black, and his clothes stick to his skin. He gets up and looks around when Rory can feel his body. He sees a dark figure in the distance which has been in his sight all night long. They walk closer with his hood covering his face, but Rory is not afraid, merely confused.

'Do I know you?' Rory says with a croak in his voice.

'Yes.' The robotic voice answers.

'Who are you?'

'Your shadow.' Rory never responded and just looked at him, 'I've been asleep for a while, and you've finally have woken up.'

'What do you mean?' He says adjugated.

'It's time. To be who you really are.' The shadow raised his arms and clutched their hood's sides, ready to peel off from their head. Slowly, they do so, but a heavy sound erupts...

Rory opens his eyes and listens to the sound on the hard floor next to him in his bunker. His body is burning, and with his clothes soaked, his skin is brutally sweating. Rory was trying to process the dream that he woke up from and what it meant. The noise buzzed again beside him. He grabs the phone and, for a brief second, glares at the name and responds.


'No daddy, it's me!' A squeaky voice yelled over the phone.

'Hey, Layla.' He grumbled and finally woken up.

'Oh, mummy wants to speak to you.' There's a muffled sound going on.

'Hey Rory.' he hears Stacie's voice, 'The girls called, and they want a group vacation together. I know you're on tour and Ryleigh's with you too...'

'She's not with me.' Rory cuts her off,


'The label kept her to release her new stuff earlier, so she's at home.' He lies on his feet.

'Do you think she'll be ok to take Layla for a few days?'

'I don't see why not. I'll chat to her, and give you an update.'

'Thank you. Talk later.' He rests back on the bed as he hangs up, attempting to keep his heart rate stable. He decides to call Ryleigh as he has no anticipation of falling back to sleep.

'Hey beautiful.'

'Hey you. How did your first show go?'

Rory went quiet and wanted to tell her the truth, 'It went well thanks.' but he decides to lie. 'I've just got off the phone with Stacie, and she is having a vacation with some girls and needs someone to take care of Layla, and I said you'll be ok with it.....will you be ok with it?'

'Of course, I'm happy to take her. I don't need you around to look after her.' He looks over the side of his pillow imaging her there, smiling away.

'Thanks baby, you sure you're going to be ok? With everything and the baby?'

'Did you tell her?'

'No, but I was hoping to tell Layla the day before the press. That's gone out the window.'

'We'll find some way, but I'll be fine, and I promise I won't tell her until I'm with you.'

'I love you.' he says, and he means it every time he says it to her.

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