Chapter 34

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With his tour almost coming to an end, they have a day off in their last state. That's just what he needed. It also allowed him to finish the song's demo, which he had been working on while on tour.

Rory plans to see Valentina later and finish the colouring on her tattoo, while Josh is busy doing his own thing in his world. He searches for more information about Cameron but hasn't gotten close enough to look through his belongings. It started to get on Rory's nerves when he asked too many questions about him.

While he left Josh to his thoughts, Rory went to Valentina's room, where the same equipment as before was waiting for him. She's dressed in the silky gown once more, and this time with a lacy bodysuit underneath, but she's left enough skin on show to finish the job. Her outfit leaves his mouth dry, so he imagines Ryleigh wearing it to divert his mind away from her lying there, posing for a picture.

As the gun tickles her collarbone, she lies back in her chair, closing her eyes and savouring the moment. Rory's relieved she stayed quiet this time, allowing him to concentrate on the finishing touches.

Once finished, she gets up to have a review of the final details in the mirror. It was perfect, and she screeches with delight, finally found what she always wanted.

She puts her gown back on, but not without the front being left open. She pours a whisky for him as he sits on the couch to celebrate the end of the tour and her tattoo. She puts on a random playlist on her phone, which is softly playing in the background.

'Well done babes. I love it so much.' She says this while sitting next to him and looking down her chest.

'You're welcome.' Rory smiles, and she leans in close, with her foot brushing against his leg. He takes a swig and ignores the contact.

'You are so good with your hands.' She holds onto his free hand in hers and pretends to read his palms by tracing the creased lines.

Rory remains silent and leaves her to it while examining the details of his tattoos across his bicep. His ears perk up when he hears a song he recognises, and he listens to it many times.

'This is one of your tracks.' Rory teases her, and she reacts with a luscious smile.

'Apparently, one of your favourites.' She bites her lower lip and leans in closer to his face. He reads every nuance of her expression on her lips, and it's luring him in.

'Sing it with me.' Valentina whispers, and Rory snickers and gulps the whisky. She begins singing where the song picks up the verse, and he is mesmerised by hearing her sing up close.

"We might as well go to my room, that's all we're here to do, tell her you'll be back soon..."

Rory joins in, looking into her eyes while running her hand up and down his arm.

"You can undress me, I always make sure it's easy, we might get in trouble but, that's part of the fun when I'm with you."

As they get into the swing of the song, they sing the chorus together, nudging his shoulders to the rhythm.

"My body needs your touch, as I miss you so much, come over into my bed. My heart beats out of my chest when I hear you calling my name when you're in my bed."

Valentina keeps a close eye on his lips as the words spill beautifully from his mouth.

As the instrumental starts to play, she reaches over and takes the drink from his grip, leaning over his lap to place it on the table beside him. She then pulls back and stares at him, their faces almost touching.

Without hesitation, she moves her legs and straddles on top of him, looking down. Rory's mouth dries even more and tries to control the strange amount of lust he seems to crave. She throws off the gown again, never taking her gaze away from him, and stands tall, enticing him in.

She leans in closer, closing the gap between them.

'...You only live once, you know....' She speaks in hushed tones, and her lips placed on his.

Rory returns without hesitation, her nails digging into his hair and their tongues entwined. He's been missing the rush and excitement, as well as the interaction, and he's desperate for more. Valentina pushes her body forward onto his, anticipating for more.

The room fell silent for a brief moment before the next track began to play. The song started with a gentle and tender acoustic melody, and her soft and tender voice matched with it.

There's a cruel world out there,

That takes you by surprise,

When I met you,

You opened my eyes,

To new things,

What life should be.

The soft voice enters Rory's ears, which pulls him into a flashback of his first encounters with Ryleigh when they met the first time. When each contestant had to perform on stage, and a judge chose them to mentor.

When she admitted it was her first time singing in front of an audience, he was concerned for her, and a sense of care poured into his soul. At the time, it was unusual for him.

When she sang, his heart raced, and he couldn't control his breathing. Rory admired her piercing green eyes, the golden locks fallen to her shoulders, and wondered if her lips tasted like candy. Every inch of her body was something he desired to explore.

He first spoke to her in the house as they leaned on the kitchen island, having a beer together, and when she smiled, his heart melted. He made sure he concealed his feelings before she could see them.

And I want to see it all,

I need you more,

Don't let me fall.

And I want to you to be there,

Like I'm there,

For you.

As he returns to reality, Rory realises he has made a mistake and pushes Valentina off him. He leaps from the couch, panicked at the total mess he has created.

'No, no, no. Oh my god.' He says with his hands tangling in his hair, 'I shouldn't have done that. What have I done?' He looks over at her as she re-ties her robe, uncertain of herself. 'Why did you do that?'

'I thought you wanted to.' Valentina says and stays sitting down.

'No... I've never given you that impression. I only wanted us to be colleagues and nothing more.' He raises his voice, 'My girlfriend, she means everything to me....' Rory thinks for a second, '... she'll never forgive me.'

'Don't tell her then.' She applies.

'I can't keep this secret from her, I just can't...' He's disappointed with himself, '... We shouldn't have done that.'

'But you didn't stop instantly, did you?' Valentina's words reverberated in his mind, and he wondered why he didn't stop. He had lost control of his impulses, and it was likely because of missing Ryleigh. He must have been frustrated.

'I have to go.' he says and leaves without looking back.

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