Chapter 12

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Later that night, their naked bodies lie next to each other, gazing into his brown eyes of the delight that will happen to them in less than eight months. Rory dislikes the thought of leaving, but if he talks to the label, they might be able to reschedule some shows around the baby's due date.

He wants to support her through this because he missed out the first time, but Ryleigh dismisses his offer and encourages him to go on tour. She promises she will still be here, and so would their new addition. He holds her close, tightly as he can, knowing that he will miss every piece of her he adores.

Rory decides to skip band practice and spend his final day with Ryleigh while making up the days when he is distant. She wakes up to an empty side but can smell the sweet taste of pastry cooking downstairs, but her stomach grumbles and then shifts to an unpleasant feeling in the pit of her stomach. The bubbles rise to the point that she can no longer handle it and dashes to the bathroom.

She falls to her knees with her head over the bowl, urging to throw up. The back of her throat is irritated by the dry heaving. Nothing comes out, so she heaves into the bowl once more, hoping for something. He puts the tray carefully by the bedside and hears Ryleigh coughing from behind the closed door.

'Ry....Ry, you alright?' He says and pressed his ear against it. She flushes the toilet, cleans her mouth with water, and then opens the door. Ryleigh notices Rory, looking cute and concerned.

'Morning sickness.' She says, feeling the tiredness all over her body and slumps onto him.

'I made you something, hopefully it'll make you feel better.' He catches her, looking down in her sleepy eyes, and kisses her forehead.

'I don't feel like eating.' Ryleigh grunts.

'You need to, for the both of you.'

Rory leads her over to the bed, where they enjoy the sweetness of the crusty waffles. Rory's departure saddens her, and she will miss his delicious morning meals, and Ryleigh becomes overwhelmed as she thinks it, and she begins to sob. His natural response is to crawl over and cuddle her, helping her understand the emotional distress she is feeling. Ryleigh gets embarrassed, but he tells her not to worry. He checks to see if she has eaten enough and advises her to take a bath after her outburst.

A soak in the tub made her feel better, and the morning sickness seemed to be only a one-off. The refreshment of new clothes and clean hair brought a spring in her step.

He's waiting for her in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, checking his phone, when he hears Ryleigh's footsteps.

'There's my baby.' he smiles, admiring the dimples on the side of her cheeks.

'Are you talking to me or the little one in here?' She giggles as she holds her stomach. He hugs her waist and her snug white t-shirt, which has a small bump on the front.

'Both.' he grins and kisses her.

'Knock Knock.' A voice calls out and comes into the kitchen. They turn around to see their two best friends in the world.

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