Chater 18

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After a great rehearsal, Rory is adamant that tonight will be a good show; he can sense it. With Valentina, the moments before sparks some excitement that he needs to erase from his mind. Her desire is becoming overwhelming, and he needed to stay away from her as much as possible. All she is doing is flirting; it is part of her personality, and she does it with everyone else he believes. They are only colleagues and nothing else.

While Valentina was on stage, the guitarist started to look pale and passed out. He admitted he was feeling unwell, and it got Rory worried.

'We're going to have to cancel, won't we?' He asks Cameron in distress.

'No, not at all. We have a backup plan.' He responds with the white pearls on his teeth glow, and Rory looks at him confused. 'We got a backing track to all your songs; the sound guy will be able to sort it out.'

Rory's shoulders relaxed. 'Thank you, mate. I apricate it.'

'Well, we got to keep the fans happy, don't we?' Cameron gives him a gentle slap on the back, 'Have a drink; it'll make you'll feel better.'

He shook his head. 'No thank you, I want to be focused tonight.' Cameron smiles back and deeply gutted for not accepting his kind gesture. The focus on Rory's body language appeared off to him.

'Is something bothering you? You seem to be distant today?'

'I've...I've just been worried about my girlfriend with my daughter.' Rory said.

'Ah, first time together on their own?' He nods, 'Do you not trust her?'

'No, I do. I miss them. I'm more worried about my ex and hoped she hasn't said anything.'

'Do you think your ex will do something?' Cameron says and places his hands in his bootleg denim jeans pockets and thumbs through the belt loops. Rory might as well explain, and maybe some advice from an outsider would be good.

'I don't know, but she gives off this sinister vibe when I'm with a new partner. From now on, I've never took my girlfriend with me to get Layla. I've always gone on my own.'

'And you fear your ex isn't the welcoming type?'

'I'm worried if she scared her off.'

'Well, if your girlfriend knew any better, she would ignore it. Have you talked to them?' Rory nods, and explained by doing so, made him relieved how they are getting along well. 'See, you have nothing to worry about.' Cameron says, 'Forget all about it and get on stage.'

Rory is in his element and loving the crowd's atmosphere, and everything went on track. In the motion with the band working hard too, feeling like himself again. When he holds out the microphone, the crowd sings back to him, hearing them loud and clear. A dream he never thought would come true, the high-pitch cries as he gets close to them and holds onto their hands. Having these people watching him show off his talent gives him a sense of pride, mainly how far he has come.

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