At Christmas

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The sunbeams into their bedroom window on Christmas morning caused Rory to be fully awake. He looks at his phone to see what time it is and is shocked at how late it is, particularly with two young children.

'Enjoy this lie in. We won't get this again.' Ryleigh speaks as she heard him move.

'No, I suppose not.' He chuckles and draws her in closer.

He kisses her on the forehead and strokes her hair as she sinks into his warmth. Lying with her felt like home again.

'Santa's been, Santa's been!' Layla bursts through the door and jumps onto their bed. 'I want to open my presents, please!'

'Alright.' Rory says this as he loves his little girl's excitement. 'Let's go get your brother.' He climbs out of bed, and she dashes out.

Ryleigh stretches and stands upright.

'Merry Christmas baby.' He says and kisses her.

'Merry Christmas.' Ryleigh says back.

'I'll feed the kids while you have a shower and get changed. I won't let them open their presents without you.'

'Ok, I shouldn't be too long, but then again, we're still living in boxes.' She jokes, but moving into a new place is the best decision they've ever made.

Rory notices that Layla's happiness has returned, and she is sleeping better. It was a risk to move a week before Christmas, but it paid off.

The layout is identical to their previous home, except this one had an extra bedroom that they turned into a playroom. The area is also private, with security at the entrance, so no one can enter without showing their ID.

Rory smiles as he sees the bundle of joy in his cot. When Rex was picked up, he squealed with delight.

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