Chapter 7

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Kelsie asked why, but Ryleigh lied, saying that she needed more headache tablets because the throbbing pain in her head wouldn't go away. They hopped into Kelsie's car and found their nearest drug store. To hide herself away, she wears her hat and sunglasses, picks up a decent one and pays, running back to the car with caution.

Kelsie looks at her, puzzled on why the sudden rush to get some medicine, as Rory would be home soon and could get some on the way. Ryleigh said he gets worried if she is not well and doesn't want to disturb his day.

Ryleigh hurries through the door and runs into the bedroom's en-suite bathroom, ignoring everything Kelsie says to her. She quickly scans through the instructions that looked simple enough, takes the stick and moves it between her thighs, waiting for the rush of liquid to hit the absorbent point. Once soaked, she puts the test by the sink and watches the clock on her phone tick away.

The only downside was waiting, it was short, but it felt like a long time to her as it gave her too much time for her to think. Also, what would Rory think if it came back positive? Would he be happy or scared? It never dawns on her that she will be a mom or be a parent at all. Her music career did not give her the time to think about it.

She takes a deep breath and flips the stick over, and looks at the two lines that match the diagram next to it. Pregnant.

All over her body, she feels numb and falls to the floor, as she finds it difficult to accept the answer. The idea that her life will never be the same dawns on her, and she can't think straight.

'Surprise....' she says to herself, '...happy early birthday present to me...' The tears fall from her face, and the stick falls in between her lap as she curls up into a ball sobbing away.

'Ryleigh?' A faint voice calls to her on the other side of the door, and she didn't respond and wept away. The door opens, with Kelsie running towards her.

'Ry, what's wrong?' The softness of Kelsie's hand touches Ryleigh's nerve to collapse into her arms, still weeping, but the stick slips out of her lap and exposes on the tiled floor. Kelsie's eyes caught it, and her eyes widen. 'Hey, you don't need to that sad about it.' She pulls Ryleigh away from her, seeing her snotty nose and red eyes, 'I take it this isn't something you guys thought of?'

Ryleigh shook her head, 'We never talked about it.....and I don't know what to do.'

'How far do you think you are?'

'I think it happened on New years eve, as I missed a few days of taking my pills.' Kelsie makes a small smile and helps her up from the floor.

'So just over six weeks.' She moves Ryleigh's hair away from her face and takes her hands, 'This isn't a bad thing, you guys are capable of doing it.'

Ryleigh walks away, leaving the bathroom nearly deranged.

'He already has a child, what makes you say he would want another one?'

'You don't know that unless you talk to him about it.'

'There's so much I still want to I being selfish?' Ryleigh says and runs her hands through her messy hair.

'No, it's just a surprise to all of us...You need to tell him.' Kelsie says.

'I can't, not right now.' She stutters,

'He deserves to know, you've got to tell him. Don't leave it too long as he's going on tour.'

'Ry, Kelis?' A deep male voice calls, indicating that it's Rory, and because of the state she let herself get to, Ryleigh panics even more.

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