Chapter 51

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They should be ecstatic about what is happening, but their thoughts are focused on Josh. Ryleigh does it to relieve herself from the contractions. They are becoming more powerful by the minute, and she is resisting pushing until she is safe and experts are around. For all that had been going on, she had missed the early signs of labour. On her last visit, the midwife advised her on what she could do. Rory uses his voice as much as possible to try to keep her calm.

Rory parks the car in the best parking spot he can find and gets Ryleigh out, holding her tight, while Layla trails behind. When he walks through the hospital doors, he shouts to everyone passing by as she struggles to stand.

Nearby, a nurse responds by grabbing a wheelchair for her to use. She calls out to other nurses as she is being transferred to one of the available rooms. Rory stayed close by, holding her hand as he assisted her into the bed and informed them that a doctor was on his way.

'Just keep taking deep breathes, it'll be all over soon, and it'll be worth it.' He tells her, remembering when he was here nearly nine years ago.

It then made him remember Layla is here with them. Luckily she never cause any disruption and followed quietly. He did not want her to see this because it's not for the faint-hearted, and he had no choice but to call Kelsie.

'Hey, any update?' He asks.

'They've taken him to surgery, but I don't know anything else.'

'Oh god, K...' Ryleigh moans loudly again as he looks over at her.

'Is that Ryleigh?' She hears the background noise.

'Yes, we're in the hospital, and her waters broke after you left.'

'Shit, I should come down.'

'Don't stress, she's fine. But I was wondering, could you take Layla; she's with me?'

'Say no more, I'm on my way.'


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