Chapter 14

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Gathering his thoughts, as he's next on stage, Rory walks back into the dressing room while everyone clapped for Valentina, and she loved the attention. He caught Cameron and walked over by him.

'She's something ain't she?' he states,

'Yeah...sure is.'

Cameron's eyes wander moreover to his face, 'You nervous or something?'

'Huh?, just...I'm fine.' Rory says, trying to get his head back into the gig.

'It'll be alright mate.' Cameron places his hand on his back, 'Mint?' He shakes a red tin.

'Nah, I'm good.' Rory responds.

'Oh, go on...just the one.'

Cameron takes a step in front of him, blocking his path, which he finds odd but bypass it. He gleams with joy as Rory swallows the white oval into his mouth.

With 10 minutes left, Rory gives himself the chance to call Ryleigh.

'Hey beautiful.'

'Hey you.' She responds.

'How's my two favourite people?' The excitement in his voice gets her giggling.

'Yes, we're both fine. How's everything with you?'

'All great, but it's not the same without you.' he says with sadness in his voice, 'I miss you.'

'I miss you too.'

Hearing her voice made him feel better because scrolling through pictures isn't enough. And he promised to video call when they reveal the pregnancy.

'I'll send you pictures and video's when we go for a scan next.....' Ryleigh continues while he listens. Rory walks around to the corner of the room and sometimes catches himself in the mirror.

'...Kelsie was telling me about the strict diet she wants me to do.....' He sees someone with a hood over their face in the mirror and turns to look behind him, but nothing was there. When Rory returns his attention to the mirror, the shadow figure has vanished. Ryleigh's voice faded as she continued to chat, and when he looked at himself again, his vision blurred, and he became dizzy.

When he shakes off his feelings, the sound of her voice returns to his left ear. '....I'm hoping to stay in my clothes for a while.....You're quiet. I bet I'm boring you.' She laughs.

', I like the sound of your voice. Keeping me calm and that.'

'Well, good luck. I love you.' She says kindly, and he returns his attention to the crew, who are all getting ready to leave.

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