Chapter 46

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The hideous headlights that lead them through the congested streets are unbearable. Rory wanted to stop complaining in his head because he had other matters to deal with. When Josh mentioned Cameron drugging him almost every night, he was shocked. Rory believes this is the reason he has been having hallucinations in his dreams. As the journey progressed, the painkillers started to make Josh feel better and more aware of his surroundings.

As he parks at the drop-off point, Rory looks out the window of the airport entrance.

He sees him hesitating, 'What are you waiting for?' Josh asks him.

'I can't go in there, they'll see me. She'll know what's up.' Rory pauses for a moment while returning his gaze to Josh, '....but she doesn't know you....'

'...and Layla does.' He finishes his sentence.

'You going to be alright? Are you in a lot of pain?'

'I think I'll be fine...' Josh takes his seatbelt off and prepares to open the door, but delays for a moment, '...Rory, if they go through the security...I can't get them from there.'

He stares at him, convinced that this could happen and Josh could return without her.

He nods, 'I know...but I won't give up after that.'

Rory gives Josh a hat he bought for disguise and instructs him to put it on. Josh gets out of the car and walks into the airport while Rory watches his friend limp a little and knowing it's supposed to be him going in there.

The hat concealed his bruises and buffed-up lip, helping him to blend in as much as possible. The airport was busy with hundreds of people, and it will be like finding a needle in a haystack. He looks at the board, searching for the Germany flight. Check-in will open in five minutes. Relieved, he looks around the seating area first, and there is no sign of them there.

He goes into the small essentials store and pretends to search in the isle for something. In the corner of his eye, he notices a woman and her child walking in and heading straight for the meal deal section.

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