Chapter 37

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'Hey beautiful....I miss I've done something bad......' She listens, and she can tell he's disturbed by his voice.

'.... I've done it in no way to upset you....I love're my everything....'

As she listens, she becomes more concerned.

'...Me and Valentina.....we kissed, but not too long. I was thinking of you, and how stupid I am....I-I fucked up....'

Ryleigh's mind went numb, and everything around her stopped. Those words that slipped off his lips were ones she never imagined to hear. All of this, they worked hard to, all seem to be a lie, a joke.

Being pregnant fell at the perfect time, and he could do anything he wanted. She believed Rory from the beginning when he said he wanted to be a changed man. Her heart breaks in two, and she feels ashamed for letting someone like him mislead her.

Ryleigh pulls the phone away from her ear because she doesn't want to hear anymore.

'.... I'm sorry, I need you, please don't hate me...'

With her legs shaking as she hears the final words fade, she leans against the wall, unsure if there are any tears left to shed.

'Shit.' Josh bursts out, and Kelsie concentrates back on his voice.

'Josh, what is going on?' She keeps listening while looking at Ryleigh as if she's going to pass out. 'Ry, you alright?'

He can hear her distracted.

'Rory kissed V, and he left her a message saying he's sorry.' He tries to rein her back in.

'I thought you were going to tell me if anything was happening?'

'I had to go with what Rory said, I trusted him.'

She shifts her eyes to her friend once more, 'You ok there?'

'I need some air.' Ryleigh says and rushes to the door, grabbing the first jacket she sees.

'You can't go out there! It's dark.' Kelsie follows her.

'Just leave me alone.'

Josh assumed it was the door closing when he heard a loud bang. He walks back into the room, where Rory was sulking on the bed, as he hears their conversation.

'Shit! She's gone.'

'Gone where? Where's Ryleigh gone?' He asks, and Rory stands up, watching his expressions as the idea of her leaving him rips his heart out.

'I don't know.' She expresses her concern.

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