Chapter 26

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Finishing the show on a high note and celebrating with the crew before boarding the tour bus. Rory was surrounded by someone talking away, and there was no way Josh would get him to himself.

Cameron had a chilled beer waiting for him and never left his side. As he waited for the atmosphere to calm down and hoping to move away from Cameron, in the end, Josh had to make a move.

'Hey mate.' Josh walks up and pats him on the shoulder.

'Hey buddy', Rory says with excitement, wrapping one arm around Josh and leaning on him and his damp, sweaty shirt, 'You want a beer?'

'Nah, I'm good.' he responds and can see Cameron glaring at him in the corner of his eye. 'Listen, is there any chance that we can talk somewhere...'

'Anything you got to say, say it in front of everyone.' Cameron says aggressively.

'No, it's best if we...'

'We don't keep secrets here.' Rory says and slurs from drinking all day and not eating enough, and it's finally catching up with him.

'It's urgent.' Josh says, and Rory looks at him confused '... It's Ryleigh.'

When he said her name, it got his full attention. '...Is.. is she ok?'

'Let's go somewhere a second.' he says, and his solemn tone was giving Rory the impression that something is wrong.

He walks alongside Josh onto the tour bus, where it will be quiet, and takes a seat while Josh leans on the kitchen counter across from him. He fears the worst and is even more concerned about the baby.

'What is it? What's happened?' Rory is anxiously looking at him, pleading for an answer.

'She's fine.....' Josh says, ''s you. I need to know. What is going on with you and Valentina?' Rory raises one eyebrow, 'It's because the news is spilling that you guys are "getting cosy".'

He hands his phone to Rory and shows him an article from one of the most famous music website. He examines it and notices that it is a photograph of the two of them at the bar, but no one was supposed to know they were there. It was nothing more than two friends hanging out.

'Ryleigh's seen it.' Josh continues, and Rory looks up at him, 'I think you need to talk to her.'

'It's was only a second like that, and they just got us at a perfect time.' Rory admits, and it's just the way she expresses herself to other people.

'Oh yeah? And what I saw on stage this evening was nothing to believe.'

'Look, she's just a friend.'

'I hope so because the way I see it...' Josh walks away and looks back, '... You're almost breaking your own rules.' and he leaves the bus.

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