Chapter 19

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Layla's smile never disappeared during the day, as her day at the studio was fun and enjoyable. The last time Ryleigh has seen her like this was when they went to the theme park to meet her favourite princess. Ryleigh and Rory were not together at the time, and he asked her to join him when her ex-fiancée refused to show up as a guest on the TV show. It was all filmed, and she used it to distract herself from how badly her relationship was failing. When Layla showed an interest in her, Rory realised how much he adored Ryleigh.

To get her involved, she made Layla write her own lyrics, have a standard beat, and solo time in the studio. It was surprising how well it all suits her, and Rory should consider allowing his daughter to follow this path. Ryleigh is baffled as to why he is so apprehensive about launching her into the music business at such a young age.

Even today, she perked up and showed no symptoms of morning sickness. The next big step is to tell Layla about her new step-brother or sister, and the urge to keep it a secret made it harder for Ryleigh. But she promised Rory they would do it together.

After their hard day of work and cooking dinner together, they finally had the chance to cuddle on the couch and watch some telly. Kelsie felt like it was a hard day, and decided to sip down on a glass of wine. When the film ended, they made plans tomorrow to stay in, have a dip in the pool and play some games. As Layla continues to watch TV in the living room, Kelsie mentions that she has some board games at home that she can bring over and decides to go home to get some.

Ryleigh returned to the living room with a grumbling stomach and had the urge to vomit. She dashed to the bathroom and puked profusely. Her body was weak, and the awful stench from her dinner threw her into a dizzy spell.

It took all of her strength to rise from her knees and eventually gasped for air. She found her bed and crawled her body into the comfy sheets', relaxing every muscle in her body. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

When her brain had enough of digesting into re-runs of her favourite show, Layla was curious to know where Ryleigh had gone. She calls her name around the house, and the echo from the walls made it all quiet. She tries the last room in the house and spots Ryleigh curled up.

Layla nudges her and tries to say her name, but there is no response. Ryleigh's eyes flicker a little, but any other movement never came. She finally gave up and went into her travel bag, which held a special phone that she could only use for emergencies. She unlocks it and dials the only number saved on it.

Her headache had disappeared, and she felt much better after a decent nap. Everyone had a busy day today, and she's sure the baby did as well. Another reason for her illness returning maybe that she gulped her food quickly today. Curiosity creeps into her mind, and she wonders what happened before she puked, and suddenly, her memory returns. Kelsie left, and Laylas last place was in the living room watching TV, and she prays she is still there.

She runs downstairs, calling her name as she enters the living room, only hearing the television in the background. She then dashes into the kitchen to find Layla carrying her travel bag, escorted out the door by a tall slim woman dressed in tight jeans and a pale pink top.

'Stacie?' They both turn to face Ryleigh, who has a pale face and messy hair that she never wants anyone to see.

'Oh, you finally decided to wake-up.' Stacie snaps and flicks her long brown hair back.

'I'm not doing this in front of Layla.' She says quietly and thinks it's best to send her up to her bedroom.

Stacie rejected the suggestion and ordered Layla to get in the car. Ryleigh would have fought harder if it hadn't been for the fact that Stacie was her mother. In defeat, she watches Layla leave.

'I see you've been heavy on the drink.' Stacie states as she crosses her arms and points at the empty bottle and wine glass Kelsie left on the kitchen counter earlier. Ryleigh also takes a look at it.

'No, I didn't have any-'

'My daughter called me to say, "Ryleighs had been drinking, and she's sick and is not waking up". Is this what I want my daughter to be left with? Some reckless Rockstar that can't control her drinking. Look at you, you're such a state.'

'I can explain-'

'Wait til Rory finds out.' Stacie kept cutting Ryleigh off, and the only way she could get out of this was to tell the truth.

'No, don't tell him, please.' Ryleigh pleads, 'It's not mine. I had my friend over, and she'll be back soon, and the reason why I fell asleep is because....I....I..'

'Been drinking?' Stacie scoffs, 'Gosh, another washed-up wannabe for only wanting him for his fame.'

'No! That's not true!' Ryleigh get's angry, 'I love Rory very much, and Layla too. I would never do anything to hurt them.'

'But having friends round and downing a bottle of wine is more important.'

'I can't drink, I'm not allowed to.'

'And you expect me to believe that?'

'It's because...'

'Because of what?'

'I'm pregnant!' The room went quiet, and Ryleigh felt ashamed that she had to tell her, as it was supposed to be a surprise. 'I'm pregnant....We were going to tell Layla next week. I've been having terrible morning sickness. That's why I've not been well.'

'Wow.' Stacie said unimpressed, 'You think it's the only way to keep Rory close to you? How pathetic.'

'Why are you being like this? What have I done to upset you?'

'You're jealous because Rory already has Layla, and you wanted her to feel left out so that you can paint a perfect family picture.' The spiteful words slashing out of her mouth shocked Ryleigh.

'No, I would never.'

'Makes me believe what kind of mum you're going to be, leaving them to do what they want while you sober up. Drinking while pregnant too.... oh, there is no way Rory will-'

'Please don't.'

'Try and stop me. It'll be a shame if the press found out too.' Stacie leans forward and flashes and menacing grin.

Ryleigh hesitates, 'You wouldn't.' The fear shows across her eyes.

'Alright.' she leans on one hip, 'a thousand dollars, and I'll keep quiet.' Ryleigh's jaw drops, 'Do we have a deal?' The evil sneer plants across Stacie's face once more.

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