Chapter 43

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Josh returns to the drawers, completely baffled, and pulls out another brown unsealed envelope. He repeatedly tips all of the things out, showing blue passports with flight tickets to Germany. The bold letters of the name "Layla Hannah Colemon" drew his attention. Opening one of the passports, he notices the little girl in the picture.

"Shit!" he thought to himself, "That's Rory's daughter." Josh investigates the other contents and finds the name "Stacie Indigo Watts," suggesting that it is her mother. Why does Cameron have these, and why Germany? Is Rory aware of this? He thinks he's on the verge of fleeing, but why from Ryleigh? No, he loves her and despises Stacie.

There is no way Rory planned this, as Josh or Kelsie would not allow it.

Being away from him when Cameron was present has made him suspicious, as he believes Rory has been brainwashed into thinking he is now free to explore the world as it's possible, given the pills and the amount of alcohol consumed daily.

He goes through the folder one last time, feeling two silky items that are difficult to grasp and letting them fall to the table. As he looks at the images in shock and horror, his hands begin to shake. He looks at them both, one of Cameron currently with a woman he recognises only from the passports that he just looked at and knows there's a connection to Rory.

Cameron appears in the other photograph, which is slightly fading and seems to be from ten years ago, but he is distracted by the girl who is wrapping her arms around him. It becomes clear who Cameron is, why he never liked Josh from the start, and what the threatening call was about.

'Oh my god...' he mutters to himself.

'You know for a PA, you're a pretty shit listener...' Josh is startled by the male voice, which glares at him.

'I knew something wasn't right about you...Why are you doing this? What did Rory do to upset you?' He stands tall with his shoulders high and a tight grip on the photograph.

'What haven't they done? They've taken everything away from us, and you too.' Cameron clenches his jaw.

'She left you for a reason-',

'She left me because you told her too!' Cameron's voice becomes louder.

'It's not my fault you made her miserable.' Josh says enraged, 'I swear, you come near her again or Rory's family-'

'Or what? You're too late, as you can see, everything is all sorted. They don't deserve to be happy. None of them do....' Cameron takes a step forward, '...So I suggest you leave before I make you.'

Josh stood firmly this time, never showing fear in his eyes. 'You won't get away with this.'

'Oh I will....and the first thing I'll do is take you out of the picture...'

Cameron grabs Josh's collar and slams him against the wall. The muscles in Josh's body tense up as his back cracked with pain.

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