Glass Heart - Chapter Thirty-Two

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"We need to talk, Nezu, Sir."

Nezu spun around on his wheelie chair, pretending to stroke a cat which didn't exist. "About what, Yagi? Have you finally decided to start teaching here?"

Toshinori flinched slightly, knowing the conversation wouldn't be pleasant, and sat down opposite the principle. "No - I... I wanted to talk about Deku. You apparently stuck up for him against the Hero Committee so you must know him well."

"Very well, what do you want to know?"

"Is he... really quirkless?"

Nezu gave him a deadpan stare. "Yes, he is. Is that a problem?"

Toshinori felt shivers rising along his back, as if warning him to shut up, but he ignored them. "I - I mean isn't hero work... quite dangerous for someone not... equipped enough to deal with problems that arise?"

"... your sugar coating isn't going to stop me realising you have a prejudice, Toshinori." Nezu growled, eyes flashing.

Toshinori gulped. "N - No! I'd save anyone, whether quirkless or not! This is... different! It's the same as the idea of a 5 year old becoming a police officer and waving guns at people."

"... is it?" Nezu said, his eyebrows lifting.

"Y - Yes! Children shouldn't be involved in something so dangerous, which is why we don't allow ideologies like that in society."

"But those children can grow up and become police officers. In your ideal world, the quirkless wouldn't even have that option."

Toshinori flinched again. "I, uhh..."

"What are you really here for?" Nezu interrupted, his patience running out.

"Deku can't become a hero without a quirk-"

"He did. He passed the test - getting the highest score on the written exam might I add."

"I - I mean he can't become a really dependable one without a quirk."

"Yagi. He helped take down a smuggling ring!"

"He was with Eraserhead!"

"Enough!" Nezu was very close to spending the next hour having a shouting match with the ignorant man sitting in front of him, but it wouldn't change anything, so there was nothing he could really do. The sooner he left his office the better. "Tell me what you want and get out of my office."

"You know my quirk."

"Yes, All Might."

"I want to give Deku my quirk, and train him to be the next Symbol of Peace. With my help and my quirk-"

"He doesn't need either to become the next Symbol of Peace - if that's what he even chooses." Nezu frowned. "But I won't stop you from asking, after all it's not my choice to make. I doubt he'll say yes though."

"Why wouldn't he say yes?! Thanks for your blessing, Sir!"


Deku was speaking with a fan. Toshinori planned to speak to him when he finished, but a crowd had started to gather. He was shocked Deku had so many fans already. He'd only been a hero for about four months. What made Deku so special in the public's eye?

Well, he supposed it didn't really matter.

He moved towards the crowd, and Deku easily spotted him.

Good intuition, necessary for a true hero. I picked well. Toshinori praised himself with a grin, as Deku noticed him, and quickly told the remaining people in the crowd that he had to leave, following Toshinori.

"What do you want with me, All Might?" He asked when they were alone.

"A - All... You know I'm All Might?"

"... yeah? It wasn't that hard to figure out." Deku replied, before jumping up, and removing a notebook from his belt - contained in a small light bag connected to the edge of his belt. "Could you sign my notebook?"

Toshinori laughed and quickly signed it, impressed at his soon-to-be apprentice's skill and analysis abilities. After he signed it, he passed it to Deku, who jumped in the air excitedly, and pocketed the notebook.

"So, umm... why'd you want to see me?" He asked, nervousness and anxiety returning.

Slight anxiety... well no matter, we can work on that.

"My quirk. It's one that can be passed on from one to another. My time as Symbol of Peace is running short, and I need someone else to be able to bear that torch and shine brightly. Deku - I've chosen you! Take my quirk and become the next Symbol of Peace!"

For a moment there was silence.

"... no."

Okay, it's now 6:37am, and I've written another chapter XD

I used a backup chapter yesterday, so I had to write a second chapter, so I still have my two spares. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading!!

Yes, I never planned for Izuku to have One for All. Never. Izuku's big 'thing' is that he wants to be a representation, an example, for what anyone can achieve - even someone quirkless. And if he took All Might's quirk then he'd lose that. So no quirk.

Anyways, the next chapter should be the fallout. Maybe there'll be a school scene at the start? Not sure yet, but we'll see.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!!

But for now...

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