Glass Heart - Chapter Seventy-One

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Well at least Izuku knew he was in Hitoshi's exam group now.

He watched, waiting for the signal for the 'villains' to head down and fight the examinees, as Hitoshi helped some actors with the help of a student with bright red hair that Izuku recognised as one of Katsuki's other friends, and a boy with glasses and some sort of speed quirk. He looked a lot like Ingenium - maybe they're related or something?

Honestly while he was watching their quirks, analysing which children here would most likely get into UA, and trying to come up with a battle plan where he could attack the students without actually touching them, a small part of him had an ulterior motive...

... to find a date for Hitoshi.

After he started dating Shoto a little over a year ago, after Shouta got over his annoying 'protective dad' phase, he and Hitoshi - sometimes Hizashi too - ganged up on him through teasing about him and Shoto. It was so annoying - so Izuku wanted to find Hitoshi a boyfriend so he could annoy him!

Granted that probably wasn't the best reason for wanting to set up your brother on dates, but... Izuku found he really didn't care. Honestly, as long as Hitoshi didn't date Shoto - because Shoto was TAKEN - Izuku didn't really mind who he dated, as long as Hitoshi was happy. And besides, Izuku was gay too, so Hitoshi didn't have to worry about him being rude about his sexuality. Hitoshi already told everyone anyways, so approval and support wasn't something he had to worry about.

The bell sounded, and Izuku shook his head, realising this entire time he'd been distracted within his own thoughts. Even in his own thoughts, Hitoshi had it out for him. Whatever. Deku shook his head again, and darted down into the middle of the exam, deciding what would cause the most chaos.

He eventually decided that knocking over the largest - and one of the only - buildings still standing. He quickly ran through it, making sure no one was inside, before kicking at the bottom of the building. The fake earthquake had already made the building's supports fragile and it only took a few strong kicks for the building to start to fall.

He carefully watched the students near it, making sure they notice the building falling and that they safely run away from the area, so they don't get hurt, preparing himself to run under the falling building in case some of them didn't notice or didn't get out in time. He would make it there in time easy so what he did wasn't that dangerous, and besides, Recovery Girl is on the site so healthcare would be quick and easy to receive.

He noticed one student - a girl with a short brown bob of hair - stuck underneath the building, some rubble under her foot, eyes wide as she watched the building slowly approach. He sprinted over to help her...

... but someone got there before him.

He slowed down to a halt, as Hitoshi used all his strength possible to push the rubble away and lift her up in his arms, running away from the quickly collapsing building as fast as possible. Deku kept a close watch of them, waiting and watching to see if he was needed to push them away from the danger faster, but quickly realising that it wasn't necessary.

After a short glance back to the area the building would eventually hit and being certain that there are no students there, Deku kicked the support of the building again, making the descent faster and allowing the building to crash down onto the ground, rubble flying everywhere.

He glanced over and locked eyes with Hitoshi, who gently placed the girl on the ground - did she hurt her leg? - and ran towards him. Deku turned to run off, knowing he wasn't allowed to touch the students as one of his exam restrictions, but Hitoshi called after him.

"Deku! This is serious!"

Izuku turned around, taking his comment sincerely, but not responding verbally. He nodded to signal he was listening, and Hitoshi continued.

"Can you take this girl - Ura... Ura..."

"Ochako Uraraka!" The girl - Ochako - said, laughing slightly and then wincing when the movement jostled her leg.

"Her! Can you take her to Recovery Girl please? Or at least a bit further away from the main fighting."

Deku nodded, and quickly ran over to her and picked her up, being careful to not move her leg too much. He glanced at Hitoshi and his expression softened. "Good luck." He muttered in support, making Hitoshi smile, before he headed back to the front area of the exam, where Chiyo waited.

"Here Chiyo, her leg got caught under some rubble and I - ouch!" He yelled, unable to cover his head with his hands while he was holding Ochako. Chiyo sighed, hitting him on the head a couple more times for good measure, before giving Ochako a kiss. After a few seconds, Ochako gingerly placed her leg on the ground, slowly moving to place her full weight on it, and smiling when there was no pain.

Chiyo huffed at him. "I saw that footage. I have no idea why you thought knocking over that building was a good idea, Deku!" She hit him again, this time Izuku raising his hands up to protect himself, and then she sighed. "I guess I'm grateful it was just this young girl who was hurt and no one else." She turned to Ochako. "You don't seem like the sort of person who'd get easily caught under that sort of obvious rubble though dearie...?"

Ochako laughed. "You'd be surprised." She then sighed, mirroring Chiyo's sigh from earlier. "But this time yeah, I saw that rubble from a mile away. But there was another kid who would've gotten hurt under it, so I pushed them away, and the rubble landed on my leg. The kid just ran off too - not even a thank you." She laughed again and sighed once her laughter died down. "Honestly I'm so lucky Hitoshi was there, I'd just about reached my limit for Zero--Gravity, so there was a high chance I would've been crushed!"

Chiyo shot another glare at Deku, who frantically waved his arms. "No, no, no! I was watching everything, I would've intervened if Uraraka seemed like she would get hurt!" He turned back to Ochako with a smile. "You should probably head back to the exam now - there's still more time left, so score more points while you can!"

Ochako nodded, determination in her eyes, and ran off. Izuku watched her go, slight tears in his eyes.

The future of heroes sure looks bright.

Good morning everyone! It's 7:30am yayyyyy. XD

So that's the entrance exam. I was going to put some fluff at the end, but this chapter was already running over so that'll be saved for next chapter. Honestly I'm just glad I finished the entrance exam stuff because it was honestly so intimidating to do. I had no decent ideas haha.

On that line, thank you to  Thegachainkling and NezuUrWorstNightmare for helping me come up with this idea!

Anyways, at this point I am certain that this story will exceed 100 chapters. Now we just got to the entrance exam - this was supposed to be around chapter 15 or something, but we're at chapter 71. So... this story will probably go on for a while XD

Luckily two of the other fanfictions I'm writing are almost done, so once they're done I can just focus on this one and one other one which'll be nice.

Okay! Speaking of the other three fanfictions I'm writing, I should probably go update them haha XD

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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