Glass Heart - Chapter Seventy-Eight

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"Okay, here's the plan..." Hitoshi muttered, glancing at the building above them. It loomed over their heads, threatening and dangerous.

He took a deep breath in.

"Katsuki will probably target me, but I don't think I'm an even match for him - he knows all about my quirk... he cares too much about winning to let his anger take control and respond to me. If it comes down to me fighting quirkless and his fire quirk, it's honestly not much of a fight - it's safer if you use your quirk to make us both float to the top."

"M - my quirk?" Ochako asked, confused. "Why should we float to the top? Wouldn't they expect that?"

"Maybe so, but just floating to the top isn't the actual goal - it's the quickest way to determine what floor the bomb is on. With any luck, Katsuki will try to attack us down near the first floor, so for a few precious minutes, it'll be one on two - us versus Iida - and while he knows the name of my quirk thanks to that class thing Deku and Dad-"

He paused. Hitoshi didn't realise how hard it would be to not say Izuku's name - luckily he didn't have to do the same with his dad, as with the same last name it's obvious. However he does have to call Hizashi by his teacher name, to keep their relationship secret.

He sighed and kept explaining. "-Deku and Dad made us do - those introductions in class, for some stupid reason, but that's besides the point. Iida knows my quirk, but he doesn't know how it's activated. Which means I can use that to surprise him."

Ochako clapped her hands. "Oh! So what you're saying Aizawa, is that I float us up the building, we try and see which floor the bomb is on-"

"Probably a middle one because they'd be wary of your quirk."

"R - Right! So we look through the windows to determine what floor the bomb is on, then break in, fight two on one with Iida, and then you use your quirk to disable him, so we can safely get the bomb!" Ochako seemed excited. "Wow! You're really smart, Aizawa!"

"T - Thanks, I get it from my brother..." Hitoshi mumbled.

Izuku - who also had an earpiece alongside Eraserhead, and All Might - smirked at the acknowledgement, nodding at Eraserhead who shot him a small, comforting smile and nod. He'd be sure to tease Hitoshi about it later. But for now...

Izuku put his hand to his chin, as he thought about Hitoshi and Ochako's plan. It was a good plan, it really was, but they never properly went through any way to immobilise Katsuki. Almost the entire plan goes on the assumption that Katsuki wouldn't team up with Iida and would run off on his own - towards the first floor, no less!

If it was Izuku there instead of Hitoshi, that would be the exact plan he would have gone with - with the exception being they'd gather a small bag of rocks outside the building quickly before activating Ochako's quirk so they could use them as ammo against Iida - because Izuku would be someone Katsuki would really want to attack one on one, and his quirklessness makes him seem to not be a threat. Of course Katsuki was wrong, but he didn't need to know that yet.

Either way, Hitoshi's plan is well thought out. If Katsuki acts the way Hitoshi expects him to, then their plan is essentially flawless. Of course, Katsuki could also not act that way, but... well, Hitoshi's a good adapter! He'll be fine... hopefully.

As Izuku prepared for the test to start, a loud bang caught his attention, Eraserhead's hair raised, All Might stood up strong and tall, and Deku whirled out his baton - at a purple haired midget.

"M - Mineta?" Izuku muttered, glancing at Mineta, confused, as Eraserhead and All Might began to lower their guard. Izuku turned off his earpiece so he could fully focus on the situation at hand. "I thought you were with Nezu? What are you doing here-"

"Oh save me, Deku!" Mineta wailed, crying slightly, as he flung himself at Izuku, who forced himself not to visibly recoil - even if Eraserhead actually did - and got away with it. He sighed. He was a hero. He helped everyone. He could do this.

"What's the matter, Mineta?" He asked kindly.

Mineta's eyes watered and shone. "Oh Deku, you're my all time favourite hero! Can you sign my poster later - oh that's not important. I'm getting punished for something that isn't even my fault! The girls locker room was unlocked, it's not my fault if-"

Yeah, nope.

"I'm leaving him with you, Eraserhead!" He called, deciding he didn't need to watch his brother's fight, considering he had the earpiece, heading instead to talk with Yaoyorozu about a battle strategy. As he left he heard Mineta scream something about 'after school detention' and his eyes twitched in anger. He still wasn't expelled yet. The look of resignation and annoyance Eraserhead gave him as he left only confirmed it. They'd have to keep a closer eye on him.

All Might threw out the idea that now Mineta was back, he should swap back with Izuku - something about the trials being too dangerous for him - but Izuku shut that down quick. Not because he felt like he had anything to prove, not because All Might being a dick made him fill with rage: but because Yaoyorozu was his teammate - and if he swapped out, then she'd be partnered with Mineta - which is something he would not allow to happen.

He sighed again as he sat down next to his soon-to-be-teammate, kindly waving off her concerns and worries, not wanting to tell her about the tragic fate she'd thankfully avoided, as the first trial began, and he switched back on his earpiece.

The game was on.

Hi everyone!

Okay I probably need to explain a few things irl. So not only have I been feeling incredibly sick for about a week - my laptop also broke a few days ago. It's fixed now, which is amazing, but... the forced time away from writing led me to realise something - which is that I have many other things I love doing.

I've been spending more time on Discord for example, (there's a server dedicated for my wattpad account if you're interested) while I was ill, and I met some amazing friends there. I've been watching more anime with my family, when I used to refuse to spend a few precious hours writing away in my bed.

Most importantly though - is that my school work productivity has been declining. It's something I was really trying to avoid for a while, but... it's catching up to me, and I need to focus more now on myself and what's important for me, rather than what I want to do. I'm writing four books at once - and only this one has been receiving regular updates (until now, that is).

So, I'm going to completely change my writing schedule - again. I know this will probably upset a lot of you, but it's something I need to do for my own health. I hope you understand.

The new schedule is that I will write one chapter a day - and that's it. Not one chapter for each book, just one chapter for one book a day. There's only one chapter left for one book that I need to finish, but the other two books aside from this one have a few chapters to go still - and I have a fifth book idea I really want to write (which I won't until I finish my Komahina book and my Miraculous Ladybug book to keep it at a nice three).

This means, on average, there should be one update every three days. Sometimes it might take slightly longer - say for example I have work and I have to stay longer or something big happens at home, or something like that and I just can't write - or it might be shorter, as maybe one day I have more time on my hands.


I'm sorry if this upsets you guys, but it's something that honestly had needed to be done for a while. I'll do my best to maintain this schedule for a while, and I'll make sure to keep you all updated. Thank you all for all your amazing support. writing this book has been so fun! We already made it past 80K views - it might even get past 100K soon!! Wouldn't that be amazing???

Anyways, that's enough of my rambling - I genuinely wrote a whole extra A4 piece of paper on just the bold text - practically half a chapter in itself XD

See you guys again soon!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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