Chapter 32: Sleepyhead (Jordan's Perspective)

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These past two days have been boring. Just constant filming and editing. I finally finished and caught up this morning so I don't have to do anything for a few days but then I'll be back into my routine again. Suzy texted me late last night and told me we're going to Disneyland tomorrow so I'm excited. My contacts have been very limited lately as well, just Suzy, Leslie, Barry and Danny. Speaking of Dan, he's FaceTiming me again.

"Hey, babe."

"Hi, hows your day going?"

"Boring as shit, just packing, my rooms almost empty."

"So you'll be here sooner?"

"Looks like it."

"Yay, I'm excited!"

"Me too, did you finish editing?"

"Yeah, I'm all caught up, probably won't have to edit or film for a week but I need a routine cause this wore me out."

"I can tell, you have an interesting look going on with your hair."

"Yeah, I call it 'I haven't showered in three days so it's staying up for all eternity'."

"I might have to tell my sister it's the new trend so she'll put it in an article."

"Oh yeah, she works for a fashion magazine, I almost forgot."

"Yeah and your brother is a..."

"I think he's a co-manager for one of the big hotels in Vegas but I don't really know either. OH! Did you find my present?"

"Present?! What? Where? No I didn't find it!"

"It's in your closet." I laughed at his childish impulses, he practically jumped off the bed just to find it.


"It's in there, trust me."




"See, it wasn't that hard."

"Yesit was, cause you hid it."

"That was kind of the point but I didn't hide it that well."

"I'm opening it now, stop arguing with me."

"Do it." He pulled out the shirt, unfolded it and a huge smile ran across his face, he was quiet as he read the note and he blushed a little.

"I love it, the note and everything, I love it."

"I'm glad you love it, I just had to."

"Did I ever tell you loved you?"

"Oh no, please do."

We started laughing and I heard Dan's door open.

"I'm assuming you're talking to Jordan, so bring her along, Rachel and I have some news." The door closed and Dan gave me a weird look.


"Do you think its about-"

"Possibly, but still act suprised."

"Already planning on it." Dan started walking out into the living room, where Rachel and Brian were at.

"You guys ready?" Rachel said as Dan sat on the couch.

"I brought the bubbly!" I said as I raised my Pepsi.

"Thank you. Okay, so you wanna say it or should I?" Brian asked Rachel.

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now