Chapter 8: Coffees For Closers (Jordan's Perspective)

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We started moving boxes back into the rooms as they dry. As long as they don't touch the wall we'll be just fine. Dan offered the idea to start cleaning up the garage so I can park my car in there. So I agree and we head on down to the garage when I get a text from Suzy.

Suzy: Hey, we're officially on our way. Turns out we had some masking tape at the house and Ross found Dan's phone. It's like super early and some of us are kinda falling asleep so I'm gonna stop at Starbucks for a coffee break, do you guys want anything? (7:37am)

"Hey, Suzy's stopping at Starbucks, do you want anything?"

"Um, I don't know. Tell her to get me something that's like a hot coffee. I don't want one of those iced ones."

"And I'm the picky one."

Me: Oh, okay. Um, Dan doesn't know what he wants but he wants a coffee that's hot. And I'll take an iced coffee, if that's fine. :) (7:39am)

"What'd you get?"

"An iced coffee. The complete opposite of what your getting."

"Opposites attract."

"You weirdo." Whatever that means...

Suzy: Okay, we're down the road, is your car parked outside? (7:49am)

Me: Yeah, and it's blue? (7:50am)

Suzy: That's the one! See you in a bit. (7:51am)

"They're here, I'm just going to open the garage."

"Okay, you do what you need to do." Suzy drives up and parks her car next to mine. I see that Barry and Arin are still asleep and Ross and Suzy are wide awake. As soon as they park, Ross gets out of the car and puts the coffees on my car. Thanks Ross... Suzy wakes up Arin and Arin wakes up Barry. Eventually everyone gets out of the car and joins Dan and I in the garage.

"You're the only person I know that gets an iced coffee this early in the morning." Ross says as he hands me my coffee.

"Really? I don't know, I can't really drink hot coffee, never been my cup of tea."

"Haha, I guess in this case it'd be your cup of coffee." Arin says. I guess so.

"Haha, yeah."

"This is really good, what'd you guys get me?" Dan said after he took a sip of his coffee.

"Um, whatever Barry got. Barry what'd you get again?" Suzy asks.

"Just a plain hazelnut coffee." Barry tells Danny.

"Ooh, fancy." If hazelnuts are fancy then I must be royalty.

"So what's the plan? Seems like you guys did most of the work. When did you guys leave?" Ross asked.

"We left really early around like...-"

"We left at like 1 in the morning. We were both wide awake and hungry so-"

"We left and decided to go around the city and find something to eat, we ended up eating at-"

"In N' Out at like 3:30am, we talked for awhile and then went on a mission to find a-"

"Wal-Mart, then I changed it to Target. I ran in and got Pepsi's, Skittles, and some coffee for Jordan-"

"It was like 4am so I offered to go back to the house but Dan said that we'd wake y'all up so we decided-"

"To go back to her place and start cleaning up and painting so it'd be easy and quick to decorate."

"And here we are now."

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