Quick Author's Note

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Hey guys, so I know I usually update every week but I totally wasn't prepared when I went back to school. Things were due, a ton of homework, a last minute project; I just wasn't prepared. I do have the chapters written, I wrote as much as I could last week (I wrote like 10 for the Barry fanfic and 5 for this one), I just haven't edited them so it'd be a mess if I uploaded them. I was gonna do it tomorrow but I have to babysit plus a family friend is coming over and I have to do yardwork. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try, I will every chance I get. Just so many things happening and not enough time. I swear if they don't get uploaded by Monday, you'll get two chapters! You have my word. I will try my hardest to get them out as quickly as I can but who knows how it'll turn out. Anyways, I thought I'd let you know what's going on. Being in high school is great! (.-.) So yeah. Till next time, bye lovelies. Enjoy that picture of The Grumps in Japan (Yes, I consider Holly a Grump)!

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now