Chapter 20: Empire State Of Mind (Jordan's Perspective)

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The flight wasn't bad. Dan and I goofing off mostly. People must've thought we we're children with all the giggling going on. Once we actually landed Dan turned his phone off airplane mode. I look over at his screen; 8 missed calls from Brian. He calls him back while I grab our bags. I end up standing awkwardly in the middle of people rushing to get to their next flight. Is this how New York is gonna be like? Rushing and pushing? I'm not prepared for this. I lost my train of thought once Dan grabs my hand.

"You ready?" Mentally and physically no.

"Yeah sure." I intertwined my fingers with his while he leads the way.

"So where are we going?"

"Going to find Brian. He said he was outside waiting for us." I just nodded. I wonder what Brian's like... I mean I know he's a ninja but the actual Brian. We get outside and Dan looks around. I guess there's no sign of Brian. Dan pulls out his phone and a guy jumps on Dan's back causing him to lose his balance and us separating.

"DANNY!" Is that Brian?

"What the actual fuck, Brian?!" Yeah that's Brian.

"What? Just be glad it wasn't a mugger." My heart went into my stomach, I think that was noticeable cause they're looking at me concerningly.

"He's joking, don't worry." I just stay silent cause right now it's way too overwhelming.

"So you must be Jordan, Dan's mentioned you every single chance he gets. I'm Brian." He sticks out his hand and I politely shake it.

"Jordan." Every chance he gets? That's really sweet. Dan wraps his arm around my shoulder and whispers into my ear, "You'll be fine, dork." To the extent of your knowledge... He kisses the top of my head when Brian's not looking.

"Okay, so we should leave the airport, do you guys want to go eat somewhere?"

"Yeah, uhh... Bri you pick."

"Me? Oh, Daniel, I'm so flattered." We start walking to Brian's car when my phone goes off. "Sorry guys." I pull it out and it's my mum... "Well shit." I try to say under my breath discretly yet they both still hear it.

"What's wrong?"

"Not sure yet, I just know it's something to do with my parents."

"How fun."

"Sarcasm is definitely intended." I look at the message finally.

Mum: I heard you were in Chicago this past week... How come you didn't tell me or visit? (6:16pm)

Me: Cause it was just a week's worth of a visit. It for a concert plus I showed a friend around town. They've never been so I wanted to help out. (6:17pm)

Mum: So? That's no excuse for not visiting your father and I. You could've brought her to the house. We have no problems with your friends, usually. (6:18pm)

Me: It is, and cause you and Dad would've had a fit cause y'all still treat me like a kid yet I'm 29 years old. It's not a she, it's a he. (6:19pm)

Mum: Jordan... Are you still in Chicago? (6:20pm)

Me: No, I'm in New York at the moment with my friend. (6:21pm)

No reply after that. She's probably having a hissy fit. God, she acts like i'm this little kid that should be pure and innocent. Psht if she only knew the truth. That lady stresses me out more with her antics than moving. Is that a bad thing? I don't think it is... Could be... I don't have time for this right now. I should enjoy my small little vacation with Dan... We arrived at a Panda Express and the little stresses washes away from me.

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now