Chapter 23: Let's Get This Terrible Party Started (Jordan's Perspective)

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"Stacy can't you see, you're just not the girl for me-"

"Okay, that's enough creep, we're waiting on you." I mean it was a beautiful rendition but seriously we should get going.

"You guys fucked me up, that was coming out nice."

"I have that song, you know? You can sing it later." Brian looks at me with a disapproving look. Was that a bad thing? Great. I'll never know.

"So can we go now?" Brian asked.

"Yes we totally can." Dan tells Brian. We got out the car and started heading out of the parking garage.

"Can I?" Dan asks me.

"Can you what?"

"Hold your hand."

"Yeah, why are you asking?"

"Cause like I don't want to come off as rude."

"It wouldn't be rude, why would it be rude? We're like a thing."

"Cause usually when guys grab a girls hand it can come off as rude but like if a girl does it, it doesn't. So I was just asking." Oh, makes more sense. But he seriously doesn't need to ask. It's a little ridiculous if you're asking me.

"Oh, well guess what. You never have to ask again, you have my permission no matter what."

"Cool." He intertwined his fingers with mine and we sped up our pace to catch up with Brian.

"So Jordan, even though we haven't done jack shit, how's New York so far?" Brian asked me.

"Pretty nerve racking but it's pretty cool."

"You're with us, you'll be okay. I think we're better tour guides than actual ones."

"That sounds assuring." I said causing Brian to laugh.

"You know, Jordan? I think we'll get along just fine." Brian said in-between laughter.

"Good, cause that was the thing I was worried about the most." What was that for!? Dan squeezed my hand.

"So Brian what else do you do? Besides being a crazy ass ninja."

"I'm a physicist. Dr. Brian Wecht." Woah, I did not expect him to be a physicist. Out of all things, physicist was like one of things you'd least expect.

"Really? Wow... I didn't expect that."

"I thought the same thing when I met Brian."

"Yeah, it's surprising now. I'm pretty much known as a ninja."

"That's not bad. It'd be pretty sweet to be thought of as a ninja."

"You're a YouTuber right?"

"Yep, vlogs, rants, advice, gaming, reviews, and occasionally makeup."

"Damn, you're all over the place." Brian said. It's a lot harder than you think. I'm constantly on a schedule. I try to make videos ahead of time if I know I'm gonna be busy. Then I have to figure out what to talk about or play. Speaking of... I haven't posted a video in like a week. Fuck, I forgot about it! It's been such an eventful vacay that I haven't been doing my job. I don't even have any pre-recorded. Damn I'm behind.

"Yeah. Speaking of videos. You don't happen to have a video camera at the house by chance do you?"

"Yeah, we do. Slacking off?"

"No, I actually work. I just forgot to the past week."

"I'm a great distraction."

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now