Chapter 21: Hold Me Now (Jordan's Perspective)

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Nightmares are the absolute worst. Even worse when you wake up crying cause of the nightmare. It was horrible. It was Dan and I walking through a street somewhere when I guy came from no where trying to steal our money. I refused and so did Dan. The guy pulled out a gun and aimed for us, telling us to kneel on our knees. He asked for our money again and since I was in so much fear I let him have mine. Dan copied what I did but I guess the guy wasn't amused. After Danny gave the robber the money, without hesitation he shot Dan. He aimed for me and that's when I woke up to Dan shaking and saying my name.

"Jordan! Jordan?! Jordan! Jordan, please wake up for me! Please, Jordan!" I fully awakened and grabbed onto him with no warning.

"Don't let me go, please. For the love of God, whatever you do, just don't."

"I won't let you go, I promise. You're safe in my arms. Can you tell what happened? What were you dreaming about?"

"We- We were getting robbed, we gave the guy our money but he still..." I sobbed even harder than I was before. The words felt like knives when I tried to say them. "He still shot us." I got Dan's shirt all wet again. I'm such a great girlfriend, aren't I?

"Jordan, we're alive. I'm here and so are you. Just... Want to go on an adventure?"

"I'm a mess."

"No you're not."

"Dan, I am. I don't want to go anywhere."

"We really need to get your mind off things. We should. I'm pretty sure Brian won't mind if we borrow his car. It's for a good reason." I honestly don't want to go anywhere. I want to stay here in Dan's arms. I feel so safe in his arms.

"Okay, but don't let go of me."

"Wasn't planning on it." He grabbed my hand and we left to the living room. He pulled me along looking for Brian's keys not letting go. He finally found them and headed out the door.

"Now how are we going to get in the car?" He smirked at me while saying that. You know I didn't think this whole thing through.

"I guess we have to let go for a few seconds then."

"Seems so." We let go while we get into the car. Dan starts it up and grabs my hand again.

"This is why I don't like sleeping. I tend to get nightmares quite frequently."

"That doesn't sound good. Like at all."

"I know. I should get a therapist."

"I'll go with you so you feel better."

"No, you don't have to do that. I think I'd survive on my own."

"Okay, whatever you say." He pulls into a Starbucks, going through the drive thru.

"Welcome to Starbucks, can I take your order?"

"One Java Chip Frappucino, Venti, and a Hazelnut roasted coffee, another venti."

"Will that be all, sir?"

"Yeah, that'll do it."

"8.49 at the window."

"I'm paying, so don't you try to offer." I just laugh. I really could pay for my own. I have no problem doing so. He just refuses to let me do so. We pull up, while Dan hands me our drinks as he gets them from the young girl at the window. Once he pays we leave going the opposite direction from where we came.

"Uh, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. It has a nice view of the sunrise, though."

"I bet you take all the girls here."

"Nope, you're the first one ever to visit my secret area."

"Isn't so secret anymore."

"No, I guess not."

"Does Brian have any good CD's?"

"Ehh, not really. But you can go through them." I open the glove compartment finding a variety of Cds.

"He seriously has Katy Perry?"

"Oh yeah, I was the one who bought it for him."

"Ha, wow. Well we're listening to that."

"Okay." I put in Teenage Dream and of course Teenage Dream starts playing. How cheesy... I hear a faint voice singing along. I look over and Dan's singing along.


"What? I like this song, okay? It's catchy." I start singing with him and I swear this could be considered an episode of Glee. Like I said this is the cheesiest song to be singing with your boyfriend. We finally arrived at our destination. It's still faintly dark outside but you can tell the suns starting to come out.

"It'll be super pretty once the sun comes up. I would recommend sitting on the hood but it's still kinda cold outside. There might be a blanket in the trunk but I could be wrong. I haven't snooped through Brian's car in awhile."

"Why don't we check anyways?"

"Yeah... We have to let go again."

"We'll survive." I let go of his hand and I get out of the car to check the car with him. He opens the trunk and poof! There's a blanket. "Magic!" He laughs at me while I go back to the passenger side.

"Why are you getting back in the car?"

"Putting it on the radio and turning it up. I'll be there in a sec." I do what I said and head to the hood of the car. I guess I didn't notice Dan being a dork and posing really weird.

"Am I near model status yet?" I can't even take him seriously.

"Oh my god. Not even close. You need some more practice."

"Goddammit! I thought for sure I was finally a model."

"Sorry to crush your dreams. Now sit like a normal person so I can sit next to you." He makes room for me, and of course I lean into him. He's my new security blanket.

"Look the suns starting to come up." It truly is beautiful. It's different shades of pinks and oranges coming over the trees. "Wow." I look over at Dan. He's just staring miraculously at the sunrise with a wide smile on his face. I'm pretty sure he's not even aware that he's smiling that I'm looking at him for all I know. I can't help it. I just have the urge to kiss him. So obviously I just pecked him on the cheek. "How dare you?!" I look up to see that he's smiling at me.

"It made the moment better, trust me."

"I guess it did." I lean back into his chest while he kisses the top of my head... We sat there until the sun was fully up, that was when Dan decided it was time for us to go back home. I really need to get my fucking shit together by tonight. Dan's seen me cry more than he needs too.

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant