Chapter 2: Things Have Changed (Jordan's Perspective)

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Be calm, everything's going to be fine. Why am I freaking out?! I'm an idiot sometimes. Okay, so just knock. It's easy.

"Hey, can one of you guys answer the door, please? I need to grab my purse!" I'm pretty sure that's Suzy, unless one of the guys isn't a guy... I hear the door unlock and the door swings open.

"Hi, you must be Jordan. Come on in. Suzy will be down in just a minute. I'm Arin, by the way. Hopefully, Suzy's mentioned me before." So that's Arin...

"Hi, yes. Jordan here. It's nice to meet you Arin. Suzy mentions you a bunch. It's adorable." Did I just say adorable? What am I? A 13 year old?

"Haha, that's good to hear. You and Suzy are gonna have a great time!" Keep conversation going Jordan.

"Yeah, so what are you gonna do while Suzy and I are out?" Good, Quintel. Just keep it going.

"Bro time with my bro, Dan... YO, DAN COME OUT HERE. COME SAY HI TO JORDAN." I can't help but chuckle. Suddenly, a tall, lean figure steps into the room. He's not much taller than Arin, definitely taller than me... I feel short.

"Dan, this is JorDAN, JorDAN, this is Dan." I love how he emphasizes the "Dan" in my name. Before I said hi, he beat me to it.

"Hi, I'm Dan, obviously." His hair looks a bit shaggy. It's kind of adorable... No, I don't have time for stupid crushes, I just met the guy anyways.

"Hi, Dan, I'm Jordan, again. Nice to meet you." It looked like he was going to say something but Suzy beat him to it.

"Jordan! I see you already met Arin and Danny. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, totally!" I seriously wonder what Dan was gonna say. Probably nothing important. Just a casual 'Nice to meet you too.'

"Okay, we should get going then. I took longer than expected."

"It's fine, Suzy. We're in no rush." Literally no rush. It's not like I have other friends in L.A.

"Okay! Well, we'll see you later boys. Jordan is staying over tonight too. It's basically a girls day and night. You boys better behave... Bye!" She goes and hugs Arin a goodbye and waves at Dan. I wave at both so I don't seem rude. They're bidding their goodbyes and as soon as we walk through the door, I hear my name.

"Hey, Jordan. I forgot to tell you earlier, I like your shirt. The Red Hot Chili Peppers are amazing." I forgot what I was wearing today...

"Thanks Dan. I like yours too. Plaid is the best. See you later." Plaid truly is the best. Grunge, Kurt Cobain, Sam Winchester...

"Yeah, see ya. Bye." And as soon as he said that, Suzy and I left in my car. Her driving of course. I'd get us lost.

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now