Chapter 13: Thnks Fr Th Mmrs (Dan's Perspective)

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"Get up the concert's gonna start in 10 minutes." We stood up and Jordan's freaking out. She grabs my arm and jumps. She keeps saying 'I can't believe we're here!' It's adorable. Fireworks go and they make me jump.

"Hahaha, it's starting. Be ready to sing along and just flow with the music." The concert starts with the band walking away from the drummer. They all get to their spots and start jamming out to the first sing. The Phoenix? Not sure. I look over at Jordan and she looks completely in heaven. She's singing along and I guess dancing. More like waving her arm. Everyone is doing it, so I join in. Ahh, yes the chorus. I start singing along and Jordan looks at me and smiles. The next song rolls in and the same routine, then the next, and the next, and the bassist, Pete starts talking and it looks like Jordan is in complete bliss. The next song rolls in, and the same routine for about 4 songs till Pete starts talking again. They continue playing songs and keep talking. I look over and Jordan still hasn't left heaven. By the time the shows over, everyone starts to leave.

"We should go get some merch. But the lines are crazy."

"Okay. We should still head over there if you want something." We waited in line for an hour and Jordan got another shirt. We got home and we both headed straight to bed. I hope one day I can make Jordan that happy without any effort.

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now