Chapter 27: Alone Together (Jordan's Perspective)

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Who could be calling this early? I thought to myself. I got up and answered it just in time without looking at the name.

"Hello?" I said, my voice was hoarse so cleared it.

"Morning to you too, sis."

"James, why are you calling at this ungodly hour?!"

"It's like 10."



"That means its like 1 over here! I didn't want to sleep in."

"1?! Jordan, where are you?"

"New York. I thought you knew that."

"Mum mentioned but I thought it was just for like the weekend."

"No, the week."

"For what?"

"For once mum listened to me. For business."

"Cut the shit, it's not business. If it was business, it'd be the weekend. I don't remember seeing anything about any conventions."

"Okay, no." I looked around and surprisingly Dan was still sound asleep. I got up and decided to go outside so I wouldn't wake him up.

"So why are you there, huh?"

"Hold on, I'll tell you everything just let me go outside." I walked past the kitchen and Brian was working on something.

"Everything okay?" he asked. I guess he could tell I was a little uneasy. No matter how close James and I were, he never approved of me dating. I don't blame him, all the guys before Dan were complete idiots. I moved the phone from my face.

"Yeah, it's just my brother."


"I'm going outside so don't lock me out please."

"I may be a batshit crazy murderer but I'm not that mean. Only to Dan." I chuckled and went outside closing the door behind me.

"A batshit crazy murderer? Who was that? Who's Dan?"

"It's a joke. That was my friend, Brian. He plays a character called Ninja Brian and he's crazy and Dan's, uh, another friend."

"Another friend?"


"By another friend you mean boyfriend? Don't lie to me, I know when you lie."

"You can't see me, though."

"I have my ways. I'm not mum, I'm not gonna snitch you out either. You can tell me."

"Yeah, Dans my boyfriend. You know that does sound weird coming out of my mouth."

"Yeah, sure, so how long have you known this guy?"

"Like 3 weeks now."

"Only 3 weeks?!"

"Yes, but we've been dating for two out of the three well technically one and a half but it doesn't matter. He's different, James!"

"That's what you said last time and look what happened. He cheated on you while he was in like some other country!"

"Mexico and that's why long distance doesn't work."

"See? How long ago was that?"

"Like almost a year ago. But I swear, trust me. Dan is something else. No where near where He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named ever was."

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now