Chapter 25: Out Of The Blue (Jordan's Perspective)

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I woke up and Dan's dead weight arm is still on my waist. I want to get up! I need to take a shower, goddammit. I lifted up his arm and slowly slid from the bed. I thought he was gonna wake up but he just changed his postion. I grabbed my bag and headed out to the living room. What's that? The computer is on and there's a note on it. Brian. 'Went out for a work emergency, don't know when i'll be back but I know it'll be late in the evening. Dan, if you found this note first. Be nice and try to make Jordan some breakfast... If you're up earlier than 11. Jordan, if you found this note first, feel free to eat anything that might seem good in our kitchen. I also edited your video last night. See you guys later. Brian' That's nice of him, i'm guessing thats why the computers on. I'll watch it later, I really should take a shower. Let's see what should I wear today... I'm thinking my Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galectica shirt and just some plain blue jeans.
After I'm done in the shower and done getting dressed, I go back into the room. Dan's still asleep. I'll be the nice one and make breakfast. I went back into the kitchen and decided to find materials for omelets. I haven't made this in awhile so this might be a horrible outcome. I need eggs, cheese, and ham I guess. I opened the fridge and all they have is eggs and cheese. I guess it should work. After a minute or two of going through drawers and cupboards I finally found a pan to make the omelets in and some other supplies I might need. Okay before I start I should put my hair up. I hope I'm making this right. You're supposed to make the eggs like scrambled eggs, right? It seems right... Shit, I fucked up the flip. This ones mine now. Test two, hopefully this'll have a better outcome. I need coffee. I went back to one of the cupboards that had coffee. It's a Kuerig so I don't know how this'll taste. I've never used a Kuerig before. I just set the little cup next to the machine and went to flip the last omelet. Fuck, not again. Yeah, definitely not going to be a chef. I'm not gonna waste their stuff so I'm not even gonna try again. Okay, let's just start up the coffee thingy. Once I figured it out I let that brew while I put the omelets on plates. I should watch that video just to pass the time. It looks good, I owe Brian one. Just need to upload and done! A weird noise went off, I looked around and it was the Kuerig. I went to the fridge to find creamer, and they use the same one I do! It's like really quiet so I'm just gonna go grab my iPod from the room. I opened the door and Dan switches his position. God, he must tired. I closed the door behind me and went to plug my iPod into a speaker. If they have one which I don't see. I'll just play it from the iPod. Juicebox from The Strokes starts playing once I put it on shuffle. I'm just gonna eat my omelet now just to make sure it's edible. Ech, it's not the greatest but its consumable. After I cleaned my plate off Danny walked into the room half asleep.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty!"

"Good morning." He said groggily.

"You hungry? I made some shitty omelets."

"They're probably not shitty."

"Trust me, they are."

"Let me try it then." I handed him a plate with a fork and he shoved at least half of it into his mouth.

"It's not bad."

"You're just saying that. You know you can be honest with me."

"Yeah, I've had better."

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome. Where's Brian? He's usually up by now."

"He said he had a work emergency and he'd be home late tonight."

"Ahh, okay. Too bad we don't have a car otherwise I'd take you somewhere."

"Ooh, where?"

"To get some food and a surprise."

"Well we have legs, we can walk. Aren't there buses? You live in New York, what about the subway systems?"

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now