Chapter 9: Maybe I Will Maybe I Won't (Jordan's Perspective)

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I can't believe he really did that. That is like one of my biggest peeves... I see what he did, that little jerk. Oh, I'll get him back. This isn't over. I ordered everything, paid and got the food. I started driving home when I got a text.

867-5309: You should get me some extra food since you're planning on eating mine. -Danny. (9:28am)

Me: You know, I should, I could, I would, but I won't. (9:29am)

867-5309: Please, I gave you a skittle last night. (9:30am)

Me: Yeah, a skittle. It wasn't even a good one either. Besides I already paid and I'm down the road. (9:31am)

867-5309: Texting and driving isn't a good idea. (9:32am)

Me: Shut up. (9:33am)

867-5309: Never. (9:34am)

I pulled up into the drive as I got his last text. I put the car in park and turned it off. I quickly added him in my contacts under 'Leigh' to piss him off even more. I got out of the car and he comes and grabs the other two bags I didn't grab.

"Why didn't you text back?"

"Cause I was pulling into the driveway when I got your last one."

"You still could've texted back."

"Key word in that sentence was 'Could've'." He laughed and we started walking inside. I put the food on the dining room table near the kitchen and told everyone that they can come and get what they want. After about 20 minutes, everyone's done and Ross plugs in my computer to the speakers and puts the music on shuffle.

"I hope you don't mind, it just was too quiet earlier." He tells me.

"No it's fine, I thought the same thing." I got up from the floor and walked towards the stairs. I go upstairs and no ones around. They're all downstairs. I check the rooms and I can't help but sing along to Free Bird. It's so catchy. "And this bird you cannot change, and this bird you cannot change, lord knows I can't change, lord help me I can't change, lord I can't change-"

"I see your singing again..." I jumped.

"Holy crap! You scared the living shit out of me. And yes I was singing, I didn't think anyone was up here, jerk."

"I came up after you to help out but then you started singing and I just stopped. It was beautiful."

"Didn't we already have this conversation?"

"Yeah, but-"

"No, buts. Can you get the rest of them up here, I'm pretty sure the rest of the rooms are dry enough to decorate."

"Fine, but this conversation won't be over until you can accept the fact that you sing."

"Whatever." Danny called the rest of the group and we started unpacking each room and putting in beds, desks, and other furniture.

"JORDAN!" Ross yells.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"You never mentioned you're a Doctor Who fan!" Looks like he found my figurines.

"Haha, yeah, guess not. I've always been a fan. Tennant's my favourite." He just stares at me with a huge smile on his face.

"Dude, he's my favourite, too!"

"That's awesome!"

"Right? I'm going to finish hanging these up with care."

"Okay." Looks like I've made another friend. After awhile, it seemed that it went from being the whole weekend to get this house done, to only a mere day.

"So since the house is done, what do we do now? This was supposed to take all weekend."

"I guess we can just hang out. But since you seem bored you can go pack my bag for Chicago."

"And New York."

"Yeah, that too."

"Wait, your going back?" Barry asked.

"Just for a concert. I'll be back in three weeks. Next weeks Chicago, week after that it's NYC."

"How fun!" Suzy says.

"Yeah..." What have I gotten myself into?

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now