Chapter 39: Remember The Time (Multiple Perspectives)

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(A/N: It's another chapter where it jumps from character to character!)


I got up fairly early and headed over to the hotel to get Dan. I texted Jordan and Dan replied for her so I know for sure he's up. I knocked on the door, and Dan was already dressed but he looked tired still. That's what Vegas does to you, there's so much to do and not enough time.

"Hey man, you ready to go?" I punched his shoulder and walked into the living room looking area.

"Barely, is there a coffee place around here?"

"Starbucks is downstairs. Um, can I talk to my sister in private please?"

"Yeah, I'm going to get us some coffee." Dan left as soon as he said that. I looked around and Jordan's bag was open with a mess of clothes around around it.


"In the bathroom, I'll be right out." A few minutes passed and she finally walked out.

"Dressing nice again?"

"I thought she would hate me, plus Dan's spot on bong impression didn't help much. This flannel isn't mine though."


"Yep." She tied it around her waist and cleaned up her mess. If they go out today, she's going to roast. Dark colours in Vegas? Yeah, no.
"So where's Monica?"

"At work. She'll get off around 10. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. She was saying she felt like you didn't give her a chance. I did see that, every question, which was 4, I counted, you acted like you were dying."

"Oh I was not! You're exaggerating!" She basically screamed.

"I'm not! You were! You were such a fucking baby, Jo! You're 29 years old, you can't hold grudges like that! She's fine now and you both cleaned up! Can't you try to act like its the good ol' days when she was that pesky little 7th grader that wanted to hang out us 10th and 12th graders? Please? For me, at least, Jo?"

"You really like her don't you?"

"I guess you can say that, sort of. Just be nice, I won't torture Dan too much. I know you have it in you, Quintel." I playfully punched her shoulder and she just rolled her eyes, messing with the sleeves on her shirt.

"I guess, you're doing the same for me basically."

"Thanks, sis." I hugged her but she didn't hug back.

"Yeah, don't mention it." She got up and opened the door, Dan came rushing in. I wonder how she knew he was there.

"Finally, I think people thought I was drunk. I drank some of yours, I drank all mine waiting on you guys." Dan said.

"I'm surprised, you usually don't like mine in the mornings."

"It was tempting." He laughed.

"I love how all of them say 'Dan'." I said, examing the coffee cup I had.

"You get a Dan, you get a Dan, you're all getting Dans!" Jordan joked.

"I know Jordan's getting a Dan." She choked on her drink and started pushing us out of the room.

"Shut up! Be gone, you two! I need to relax before Monica comes." She slammed the door and Dan and I made our way to the main lobby.

"I swear. What do you see in that?"

"Everything, I don't know. She's just the complete package."

"Gross but deep, Dan."

"I could ask you the same about your girlfriend."

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now