Chapter 30: Perfect Situation (Jordan's Perspective)

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The day I've been dreading has finally come and the latest flight they had today was for 2pm. Who knows what time it is now, I can't seem to find my phone so that's great. Dan's still asleep so I have time to hide a little present I got back in Chicago, he asked what it was but I never told him, well hopefully he'll find it after I leave. It's nothing fancy, it's just a Transformers Decepticons tee. I saw it in Hot Topic and it reminded me of him, so I had to get it. I'm surprised he didn't realise it, he was standing next to me when I paid. I grabbed a piece of paper from one his notebooks and wrote a quick note. Cheesy and cliche, I know.

'Hey, I'm pretty sure you're going through your closet and you've never seen this shirt before. Well guess what! It's all yours. I'm surprised you didn't question me about it back in Chicago, I saw it and I know how you've told me that you liked Transformers in the first few days we talked, so I had to buy it. You didn't give me any choice, even though it's the Decepticons. It matches you, if that makes any sense. Anyways, I also wanted to thank you for the past two weeks, it's been really fun and I'm glad we decided to do this. With love, Jordan Quintel xxxxxxx (There's 7 x's, if you don't get my little reference, cause you doubted me on that movie, rethink your life choices.)'

I folded the little letter up along with the shirt and put it back in the Hot Topic bag, and hung it up in his closet. I closed the door and saw my phone on the floor next to Dan's side of the bed. I wonder why it's over here. I clicked the home button and my wallpaper changed from raindrops to a picture of Dan making a dorky face. I unlocked my phone and its another goofy selfie. In fact, theres at least 100 of Dan's selfies in my photos. I also tweeted about wanting bagels, dissed on Green Day, decided the sexiest man alive was Dan, and become a Giants fan... Wow, all in a matter of an hour. My instagram was hacked, too. I wonder what he would've done if I had a Facebook... I checked the time, I have about 4 hours to kill before I have to leave. Shit, I need a ride back to my place. I'll ask Suzy, she helped me out last time. I really need to find a way to pay her back soon.

Me: Hey, can I ask for a favour? If its not a problem? (10:12am)

Suzy: Of course! What can I do to help? (10:13am)

Me: I was wondering if you could pick me up from the airport later today? If it's inconvenient, I can get a cab. (10:14am)

Suzy: Err, what time today? (10:15am)

Me: My flight should come in around 7. 8 at the latest. (10:16am)

Suzy: Fuck, I don't think I'll be able to do that :( (10:17am)

Me: Okay, thanks for trying though. :) I appreciate it. (10:18am)

Suzy: Barry said he'd be willing to go get you! (10:19am)

I barely knew Barry. Sure he came to my house but I didn't really say much to him. I was overwhelmed at the time.

Me: Oh no, it's fine. I'll get a cab. (10:20am)

Suzy: No, Barry will go pick you up. It's better than a complete stranger in a dirty car. It's Barry in a dirty car! (10:21am)

Me: Alright, fine. Thank you and thank Barry for me. (10:22am)

Suzy: You're welcome, see you later! (10:23am)

I put my phone on the charger, grabbed my bag so I could make sure I had everything I brought. I got clothes out so I could go take a shower before I left. Before I could open the bathroom door, Brian came out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of me.

"God, Jesus, Brian!"

"I'm sorry but I don't think that's how a prayer goes."

"Damn it, Brian. What's up?"

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