Chapter 3: Change (Jordan's Perspective)

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Suzy said we're going to the mall first. I'm fine with it... As long as they have a Hot Topic. I may be in my late twenties but I still love Hot Topic. Most of my wardrobe comes from there.

"So, how is California treating you so far?" Not so good. Stress, stress, and did I mention stress?

"It's fine. I think once I actually get settled in and be more social, I'll be great." I had to exaggerate. I told you.

"Oh, okay. At least it's not bad. But, hey I have an idea... Maybe, to help you get settled in quicker, maybe we could over and help you unpack and decorate!" Uhh...

"No, no. I can't burden you and Arin, like that. Besides it's a lot of stuff." Plus I just met them in person.

"No, it's fine. Friends are there for each other. And it wouldn't just me Arin and I..." Well, who else?

"Um, who else would be helping out?"

"Oh, sorry I should've clarified more. Um, just some more friends. Like close friends of Arin and I. You've already met Dan, you two seem to have something in common already! Then there's Barry, Jon, and Ross!" We have something in common? All we said to each was hellos and... OH... Music taste and clothes. In a way.

"Yeah, I guess so." I awkwardly chuckled, "But I'm still sure I shouldn't both-"

"Like I said its fine. We'll do it tomorrow. I'll text Arin to text the guys to come over at your place. I'm sure you'll like them and they'll like you! You can meet some new awesome people, and get to know some other people better." Be open to change. It's not gonna hurt. Besides, it looks like I won't win this battle.

"Okay, sure. Why not? It'll be an interesting experience." I hope.

"Yes, it will. Ahh, I can't wait! Oh, look we're here! Where's our first stop in here?" HOT TOPIC, HOT TOPIC, HOT TOPIC!

"Uh, you don't suppose they have a Hot Topic, do you?"

"Any mall that doesn't have one is not worthy of us going! Of course they do! I love Hot Topic, too!" I have found my new best friend.

"Alrighty! So what are we waiting for? Let's us go!" She laughed and I didn't say anything. She's telling me about how she used to model clothes for Hot Topic, and boy am I jealous... I spent about a good, solid, $150 at Hot Topic, yet I still didn't get everything I wanted. We walked around the mall for awhile till around 2pm. We arrived here around 11:30am. I got my Cinnabon iced coffee and I'm ready to go.

"So what do you think of Dan?" I'm out of my coffee...

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Like what do you think? Like I know you two barely met and hardly talked, thanks to me, but do you think he can fill Jon's shoes?" Holy crap... What's happening?!

"Wait, wait wait... Is Jon leaving Game Grumps?" Yeah, definitely out of coffee.

"Oh my gosh, I completely spaced telling you. His contract is up with Polaris and he wants to move to New York, to be closer with his girlfriend. So we were thinking Dan could, you know... Take Jon's place." Well. I have no words.

"Really? Wow. I don't know. Maybe, but I'm not sure. I'd have to get to know Dan more to give you a legitimate answer."

"You can do that tomorrow. And the days after that... Your not familiar with his band?" He's in a band?

"I'm not sure. I don't think so."

"That's a good and bad thing. It's called Ninja Sex Party." Ninja Sex Party?... Oh, god.

"Ninja Sex Party, huh? I think I've seen one of their videos. My friend back in Chicago showed me. I think. I could be wrong."

"I'll show you tonight." Great...

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now