Chapter 10: Take A Vacation! (Dan's Perspective)

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We did pretty much nothing this past weekend. Just hung out and played video games at Jordan's. She had a ton of games I never imagined her playing, let alone me playing. Silent Hill, Resident Evil, yeah not my type. We both had to go back home Sunday night so Arin dropped Jordan and I off at the airport. It's nice to be back home in beautiful New York, but I miss L.A. It's definitely become a second home to me. I can't wait till I finally move out there. I kept my promise to Jordan and I'm coming out to Chicago for the week. I'm leaving in about an hour or so. I think I should text Jordan to let her know I'll be in there in awhile.

Me: Hey, my plane leaves at 3:30pm. So it shouldn't take that long. (2:47pm)

Jordan: Oh my god, you were actually serious? You'll be here at like 8:30 or 9. (2:29pm)

Me: Yeah, I was. There's no backing out, I already bought my ticket. Speaking of tickets I need to buy a concert ticket... But you better hold up your end of this deal. You're coming here next week. (2:30pm)

Jordan: Yeah, yeah I remember. I'll be there, I bought mine, too. I just thought it was a joke. Don't worry about the concert ticket. My friend couldn't make it so you can use hers. (2:32pm)

Me: Wow, okay. Thanks I'll pay you back. (2:33pm)

Jordan: Don't. I was telling about you coming over here and apparently she has to work tomorrow night so she gave me her ticket that she paid for. And she's one of those people that refuses to take money, so I wouldn't even recommend paying her back. (2:34pm)

Me: Oh, okay. So you did remember? Don't lie, Quintel... (2:35pm)

Jordan: Mmkay, yeah I remembered. You're still an hour ahead so it's like what, 2:36? Shouldn't you be heading to the airport? (2:36pm)

Me: Yeah, but I don't feel like it. (2:37pm)

Jordan: You can continue your flirting when you get here. Now leave, we'll have the time in the world to talk this week! (2:38pm)

Me: Whatever. I'll see you later. (2:39pm)

Jordan: Okay, call me, not text, CALL when you get here so I can go pick you up. (2:40pm)

Flirting? I'm not that obvious. I'm pretty good at hiding my feelings. If she does like me, it's gonna be hard to read. She seems like she knows how to hide things. I couldn't tell if she wanted to be with me or she was doing it to be nice Thursday night. It was fun, though. That's for sure. I need to go, the airport's probably busy like usual. Even though it's a Monday it seems like there's a holiday going on there. People coming and going 24/7. New York can be overwhelming sometimes, but hey it's my hometown and I love it. I got a ride from Brian and I have a feeling I'm going to be late. It's 2:50 and we're halfway there. I know the flight doesn't leave till like 5 minutes after the actual boarding time but still I'd like to be there early. Yes! We're smooth sailing now. Hurry, hurry, hurry... I have made it to the airport! I try to go quickly through security but it still seems to take forever. Once I get out, I have 15 minutes to spare. Wow, I'm actually going to Chicago... For Jordan... I need to step up my game.

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