10K Reads?!

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Okay, alright. You got the drift from the title. Yes, I'm one of those people. The littlest things make me happy and that makes me super excited. I really have no words. It's crazy when I see that number grow but never would I think it'd hit 10K. I still don't think it should've hit it. I mean, there's some great Danny fics that have come out in the past few months and more come out everyday but you chose mine (along with those, of course). It's obviously noticeable that I have become extremely writer's blocked again but it's worse than last time when I first started this story. The next few chapters will mostly be filler until I actually decide on what I'm doing and where I'm going with the story. (I mean I have an idea, I just need to figure out how to get there). Speaking of that, if you have any suggestions about my story, please by all means, feel free to message me or leave a comment, it'd help a great deal!
Anyways, I am planning on a book two as well so I'm trying to figure out where, how, and when I should end this one. It seems that all my ideas have been drained from this story to my other story and I need to fix that. Since, I already have your attention, I'm already slacking on updates but that should stop by next week. I know on my profile I said this week but I got busy again. This is basically just an update and a thank you, now that I think of what I'm writing... The Barry fanfic is still going strong and I'm really proud of it! :) So if you like like (yes, i'm using that term) Barry, you should read that. ;)
I think all that's done so again thank you from the bottom of my heart. This means so much to me for stupid reasons and it's the first actual fanfiction I've ever written. (I wrote a Joe Trohman one-shot but it sucked). So seriously, thank you, also I feel like I'm slowly turning into Markiplier now. Gee, so many thank yous. Okay, so seriously. Also, I wanted to let you guys know that I'm open for conversation at any time. Whether it be serious or you just want to fangirl over something with a fellow fangirl, or literally just to talk for anything, i'm here. I just thought I'd say that for those of you who want to. I may be awkward but I will push through it cause I care. I don't really know how to thank you guys, like I want to do something but there's only so much you can do on the internet, you know? So I think that's it. If you can think of something for me to do, please let me know!

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now