Chapter 46: Future

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(A/N: Because I'm super lame and suck majorly, I need a fresh start. Obviously, the last few chapters were filler but now I have cleared my head and finally figured out where I want this story to go. This doesn't mean any big changes just fast-forwarding cause technically this story is stuck in 2013 and its now 2016... So yeah, hope you enjoy these upcoming chapters where they finally have their shit together [writing wise, not character wise].)

It's 2015. Fucking 2015. Two-thousand and fifteen. I can't believe it. It still feels like 2013. My life hasn't changed in any shape, way or form. I'm still with Dan (It's going to be 2 happy years together this year, can you believe that shit?! Wow.), my main friend group are the Grumps, and my family is still dysfunctional. Some crazy stuff man. Last year was no different from any other. Went to Disneyland a couple of times cause now I have an excuse, my channel is steadily growing, I've never been prouder of the man I love, and my friends are the fucking best! As for Leslie, she is no longer in my life, I've finally cut her out as she decided that boyfriends are more important and I was tired of her stupid shit. We're adults now, I have no time for petty drama like that, I already have to deal with man-children on the daily so I don't need that. Monica, on the other hand is doing great. She's currently in a steady relationship, and no longer disses me. She may or may not be in therapy cause she secretly needed it but anyways, it's a new year. I can't wait to see what else this year has in store. January was my test run, February is when it really starts. It's the 17th. Still have done nothing or done a resolution. I'm going to get more involved in things. I've actually gotten better at socialization especially since Mark moved down here. Hanging out with Mark and Arin have definitely helped me become a better people person and not so awkward in public.

"Hey, Jo? You wanna go over to Arin and Suzy's? Arin was talking about something Suzy was making and it sounded really good and he said it was okay if we went over there but I just wanted to check in with you, even though you're gonna say, 'Yeah! Totally, let's go, Dan! It'll be fun!'" Dan said coming up the stairs to our room. 

"What's with the sarcasm? Jesus, you just got home. usually I'm the first one to get sassy." I said, closing my laptop to focus my attention onto him.

"I'm just really hungry." He said, hovering over me. I could tell he wanted to go right away.

"Of course you are, we can go. You already know my answer apparently." I sat up, putting my shoes on.

"I've only known you for what, 2 years?" He laughed, putting his arm around me as we walked downstairs.

"Unbelievable. I have an idea that you probably won't like cause it involves Valentine's Day but you know, my idea is worth a shot."

"Oh no, we're not going out to eat are we?"

"God no. I meant stopping on our way home from their house to go get discounted chocolate."

"Ohh. Yeah, we could do that. You should've been at the office today, it was crazy."

"What happened?"

"Without you or Suzy, it's like a madhouse. Arin and Ross were arguing about Parks and Rec."


"I don't know it's Ross and Arin! Something about how the theme song eerily goes with The Office intro and vice versa."

"There's physical proof, they know that right?"

"Ross kept saying it was edited to fit."

"Also, that isn't a madhouse. You're just there for once during an intense idiotic argument. It's happened before. Ross just likes to argue, you know that. A madhouse would be if video games were being thrown everywhere." Regardless of arguments or video games being thrown, Grump Space is always like a madhouse but that's what makes it work.

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