Chapter 36: First Date (Jordan's Perspective).

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My sleep was quickly derailed by Dan's ringtone going off. It was a Journey song but I couldn't figure out which one it was.

"Hey, dumbass. Wake up, your phone is ringing." I said still half-asleep, pushing his arm.

"Mmm, not now. You answer it." He said, turning away from me.

"It's not my phone." I said gaining some consciousness. All Dan replied with was inaudible mumbling but he still didn't budge.

"Dan, what if it's your parents? Wake up and answer it."

There was more mumbling and he turned back towards me but buried his head under the pillow. The phone finally stopped ringing and I tried to go back to sleep. Well, that didn't last long. His phone started going off again and he still didn't wake up. "Son of a bitch." I mumbled to myself and got up to check his phone. I looked at the name and it said, 'Avi'.

"Dan?" I shook him and he turned towards me.

"What now?" He grumbled.

"Who's Avi? There's an Avi who keeps calling you."


"AVI. THE CALLER ID SAYS AVI." I raised my voice.

"Shit, it's my dad. Gimme." He said, eyes still closed. I handed him his phone and sat at the end of the bed.

"Hello?... Yeah, no I just woke up... Yeah, totally... I'll text you the address... What time?... Okay, see you then... Uh-huh, love you guys too... Bye." He hung up the phone and sat up.

"Was that so hard?"


"Answering your phone."

"Oh... Yes because I barely processed what's going on."

"Mind sharing the information you just gathered?"

"Oh yeah. I kind of need to." He chuckled, "My parents should be coming in today. Can you get on my phone and text my dad your address. I really need to sleep." He put his phone on my pillow and laid back down.

"Yeah, sure." I went back onto my side of the bed, unlocked his phone and messaged his dad my address. Not even a minute after, he replied with a thank you and that they would be here around 5pm. That means I need to clean up and finish unpacking to the best of my ability. I got up and went into the kitchen, making coffee to wake myself up of course. I walked around the house debating where I should start first while I waited for my coffee. Well, his parents are going to need a place to crash so unless they're getting a hotel room, they can sleep in the guest room. I took off the sheets and blankets so I could wash them and put them downstairs so I could run to the laundromat in a while. Once I got back into the guest room, I picked up a few boxes and started opening them. I set up the DVD player to the tv and hung up a few small decorations. As the boxes emptied, I threw them into the office. I smelt something burning so I ran downstairs.

"Shit, the coffee." I said to myself. I turned off the machine and there was no point of drinking that batch. I'll just have to drink water, I guess. I went back upstairs and finished what I needed. It looked presentable enough. If anything needed to be changed, I'll change it later. I grabbed all the boxes from the office and threw them into a pile in my garage. I put the blankets in a basket and threw it in my car. I checked both the office and guest room and they looked nice. I went back into my room to change slightly from my pajamas and Dan was of course spread across the bed. I slightly changed my outfit so I could run to the laundromat. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a quick note saying I'd be back soon and taped it on the headboard of the bed.

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang