Final Author's Note

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It's been a while.
I wanted to start this off by saying thank you. I started writing this in my 8th grade year and I will now be graduating high school very soon. I think it's partially why I decided to just end the story. As one chapter of my life closes I also want to close this. I contemplated this decision for about a year... If I should continue a couple chapters, if I should just delete the story altogether or if I should discontinue the story. I made a compromise. A final chapter. In the recent years, I've changed my interests a bit and I've grown as a person so coming back to write the final chapter was a bit difficult. My love for Danny has changed from just a fangirl's love to something more along the lines of someone who I admire and appreciate and aspire to be like. I listened to the Under The Covers, Vol. 2 (a blessing to the ears, tbh) while writing it to help me out. I try to remind myself frequently for my love of the Grumps because as I was leaving the "middle school chapter", they were with me and now I'm leaving high school and it feels weird that they're not with me as much as they were then.
Anyways, thank you for the support from the start. The last couple of chapters lost their way and form but I hope the final chapter makes it up. It really made me happy when I would see comments and get votes or stars, whatever they are. I do want to give a really special thank you to lameasschild  /PsychicSeance  because I made a great friend and you would ask about the next chapters and that also kept me from stopping early on. I really appreciate that, I love you! Thank you so much!
I still can't believe this day is here.
Thank you. I appreciate and hold each and every single one of you that read this and enjoyed it dear to me.
- Tessa :')

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now