Chapter 34: Games (Jordan & Dan's Perspective)

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(Authors Note: I'm kind of experimenting with this, but this chapter alternates with being in Dan's and Jordan's perspective. You'll see why in a bit ;) )

*Fast foward a week later*


"So I might be a little later than I said."

"What?! You said next week!"

"I didn't plan this, just it's going to be like another two weeks."

"Well this sucks."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry Jordan."

"Can you at least tell me why?"

That is admittedly going to be harder to explain. I didn't thnk about a reason, I though she'd just go with it but this is Jordan.

"Uh, well, Brian has to find another person to take the place and since I live here, I think I should help him."

"Okay, I undertsnad."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I mean it's just gonna suck. I know it's cheesy and cliche plus I'm gonna sound like a complete girl-"

"Um, I'm pretty sure you are."

"Shh, don't interupt me."

"Sorry, go forth with what you were saying."

"Our one month anniversary is coming up."

"Shit, it is. We'll just have to make an extreme celebration when I get there then!"

"Yeah, I was thinking we should go to Universal Studios, maybe?"

"Let's do it!"

"Great! Now the countdown begins! I got to go, babe. Love you."

"Love you too." I threw my phone on the now empty bed in my bare room. I think this will be the greatest thing I've done in awhile. Everything is packed and ready to go, I'm leaving in like 30 minutes and I'm gonna surprise Jordan by coming earlier than ever. My parents offered to drive my stuff out to LA, so I could just fly out there to suprise her. Yes, my parents now know about Jordan. I'm actually pretty nervous for them to meet her. I have a feeling they'll like her. Everyone's in on this, too. I should arrive in LA around 1, their time. The plan is, the group will take her to this little aquarium, then I'll surprise her there and we'll all go to Dave and Buster's to finish off the night. I'm hoping this will work out and she'll love me forever. But knowing how she is with surprises, she might get pissed off. Fuck it, this should work. Time for me to leave and officially become a Grump as well.


I hung up the phone, and caught up with Barry. We were walking around a little shopping center to find some party supplies so they could properly welcome Ross and Danny into the Grump family.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, Dan's just gonna be in New York for a little while longer."

"That sucks, looks like the party's gonna be post-poned."

"Oh well, you can yell at Danny when he gets back." I kept walking, looking into the windows of little shops. I've never been to this part of LA before, I kind of like it. I was disappointed that Dan's not coming like he said, it was just one more week, but I guess when you lived somewhere for awhile, its your responisbility to make sure that place is perfect.

"What are we looking for exactly?"

"The usual party supplies. We're picking up a banner, getting paper plates and all that jazz."

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now