Chapter 19: This City (Dan's Perspective)

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Today's my last day in Chicago. Tonight Jordan and I are going to New York. Brian thankfully offered to pick us up. I'm actually gonna miss Chicago. It was a fun, crazy week. We didn't do much but it doesn't matter. All that matters is I had a good time and Jordan became my girlfriend. Wow, that sounds really weird when I say that or think about it. Jordan is my girlfriend... I should really repack my bag but I don't feel like it. SO. MUCH. WORK!

"What's so much work?" Jordan asks me half-asleep. Shit I was thinking out loud.


"Lazy ass. I'm going back to sleep."

"Wow and I'm the lazy ass here." As soon as I finished that sentence, she threw a pillow at me. A few hours pass until I actually got up out of bed. Waking Jordan in the process.

"Imma go make some coffee. Want some?"

"Yeah that sounds pretty good."

"Too damn bad, it's all mine."

"How dare you..." We laughed. I dumped out all my clothes on the bed. It looks super messy. I start refolding everything and put them into my bag. There finally finished! Jordan walks into the room with two cups of coffee. See, she can be nice.

"I thought I was shit out of luck?"

"It was joke. I don't know how you take it so I just made it like I make mine."

"That's fine." I grab the cup from her hand. I take a sip, it's pretty good.

"You almost ready to go?"

"Yes and no."

"Me too. So where are we staying again?" "

At Brian and I's house."

"Oh, okay." Jordan grabs some clothes then heads to Leslie's room to take a shower, I guess. If we truly are a couple, we don't really act like one...

After an hour or so we're both done packing up and head to the airport. Leslie driving us.

"You gonna miss me?" Leslie asked Jordan.

"Was that part of the roommate agreement?"

"Haha, very funny." Leslie said.

"Just joking. Yeah, I guess so. I'll come back here and there."

"I'm pretty sure the next time we come out here is to meet Jordan's parents..." I said. Jordan sticks her tongue out a me and there's a really awkward silence for about the next few minutes.

"So uh, can I plug in my music?" I asked Jordan.

"Yeah go ahead." Jordan plugs in the wire, grabs my phone and puts it on shuffle. Afterglow from my old band Skyhill starts playing and I hear Jordan faintly singing along.

"You never told me you heard of Skyhill! You start talking about indie music and this is one of those you have to mention! It sucks they only made one album but I'm not complaining at least they made something." I can tell Jordan doesn't recognize my voice. It doesn't sound that much different from now.

"Yeah, we just decided to go do our own things. The world wasn't ready for Skyhill." I look up at Jordan to see that her face has a huge ass smile on it.

"This is your band?! It's so much different from what I'm used to you doing... I can hear it now. I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner. Wow... So I've fallen in love with your voice since 2007."

"It's totally different from now. Well since you said that I've fallen in love with your sense of humour since 2009."

"That's kinda cute in a weird way that sounds really creepy and stalkerish." Leslie just had to go and ruin our moment again, goddammit. We arrived at the airport to learn that we missed our flight.

"This is just great! Now we have to wait another hour and a half till the next flight."

"It's fine, we can just chill out walk around here. There's a little shopping area on the second floor. I discovered it when I got here." Man, her smile can really make me wanna kiss her, maybe more... No, no. Slow, Daniel, remember slow.

"Yeah, okay." She intertwines her fingers with mine while we start walking upstairs. She sees a Starbucks and of course she goes gets us coffee. I'm standing near a gift shop and see some flowers. I walk in while she's over there. Damn, $12 for a dozen?! So basically that's a dollar for each. I go up to the counter and ask if I can just buy one flower. Thank god they sell them individually. I walk out and head towards Starbucks where I see Jordan grab her drinks. I walk up to her and I scare her. Jesus, I need to stop doing that.

"What are you hiding behind your back?"

"You know, just being inconspicuous."

"It's totally working." She hands me a drink and I take it.

"Here." I hand her the flower and she smells it.

"You know you're really cute when you want to be." She stands on her tippy-toes to give me a kiss on my cheek. We interlock our fingers with coffees in the other hands, she's holding the flower and we have our bags on our backs like backpacks. It's just a week I didn't pack much and Jordan brought a weeks worth and washed them before we left. We walk around a little more before we head to the boarding area. Right as we sat down I hear, "Flight 469, your flight to New York is now boarding. Flight 469, your flight to New York is now boarding." I start quietly laughing when we get up. Jordan notices me laugh and rolls her eyes.

"I knew we we're immature but not that immature."

"You have to admit that number will always bring laughter."

"You dare me?"

"Wait what am I daring you to do?"

"Just do you dare me?"

"I guess." Jordan stands on her chair she was sitting on and yells, "69!" She comes down and we just get dirty looks.

"Immature much?"

"Shut up. You're worse... We should go."

"We should." We arrive at the gate, give the boarding lady our tickets and find our seats in the airplane.

"Thank god I'm not sitting by myself. It never fails I always get weirdoes. People sleep on my shoulders, kids kicking my chair or crying in my ear, you name it."

"You don't like random people sleeping on you? I thought for sure Jordan must enjoy that on a plane."

"No smart ass, I don't. That's why I felt bad for sleeping on you last Monday."

"I don't like it either but like I said your fine. It didn't bother me."

"Good. Up for sharing?"



"Yeah sure. Let's see what else you listen to."

The rest of the flight consisted of constant laughter from Jordan and I, and listening to her music. In all it was a good flight. Can't wait to see what her reaction is gonna be like since it's her first time in New York.

(Author's Note: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 350 READS!!!!!! In honour of that I decided to release this chapter earlier than usual! It may not seem like a lot but to me it means a lot. It's huge deal for me. If I didn't have gotten here I probably would've stopped writing... But I won't even though i'm extemely writers blocked. I'll push through just for you guys! :D Anyways... How is it so far? I hope you're enjoying it. I enjoy hearing your feedback! Sorry that Dan's few chapters were a bit cheesy and not like him at all. I didn't mean to make it like that but when his perspective comes around again, I will try to write in the mind of Danny a lot better than this time.)

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon