Chapter 43: Walking On A Dream (Jordan's Perspective)

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*fast forward to like early December. (So they've been together for like 7ish months now just for reference.)*

It's nice just staying in one place for a long period of time. No random trips to Vegas and no flying to Chicago or New York. It's finally nice to be able to work on a schedule and not be rushed to do a certain thing. I've gotten accustomed to the Los Angeles/Glendale area now and it's much more convenient. My channel grew a little larger over the last 3 months and is now at 250,000 subscribers which is pretty cool. Actually it's crazy, I tried to be cool but I'm really just super excited about it. Christmas is coming up and I'm super excited but also kind of bummed cause that means I'll have to host my brother coming down. He said he has a special guest coming and I think that's my mother. Speaking of, I'm on better terms with her since I got a Facebook last week. Who knew that I could vent out about my problems about childhood to her over the Internet in less than a week! Sounds stupid, I know but it's better for me and my future. And if it's not my mother and it's a new girlfriend, I may flip out cause I don't think I can handle that. I already have to get my house cleaned, cook, and decorate. It's just a no. After last time, I'm not dealing with him and girls. Monica and Leslie are coming down to celebrate News Years, so that'll be interesting. Some of the gang will be back together.

Now, I know what you're thinking right now. You're reading this and thinking, "but Jordan! What about Dan? You haven't mentioned anything about him!" I know I haven't cause I was trying to freak you out. Why? I don't know either. Dan and I are doing just great. He's been nothing but a sweetheart and it's been 7 months now! Can you believe it? Also, he officially lives with me. We talked about it after Jon finally moved to New York and we thought we'd give living together a shot cause you know, YOLO, am I right? Alright, I need to stop trying to be cool. Anyways, to give you a date it's December 3rd, 2013. It's my first Christmas with this dork, and that's the thing I'm the most nervous about. What should I get him? Like I have ideas but is it that great? In my mind it isn't. It's like the least of my worries but it always comes to me once I'm finished with something important. Speaking of important. The boys have decided that I'm doing Starbomb and that I don't really have a choice. They've mentioned it so many times now that I don't even care, I think I've swallowed my nerves and I can do it. We're recording tomorrow and I'll regret my words then but I'm brave today! Dan's been working like crazy on this album and I've been nothing but proud. He's so passionate about his music, it hurts. It makes me realize that he's conquered his goals and is making a living through doing something he loves and I'm just so happy for him. I'm also glad he decided to share that part of him with me too. It's cool to see how he writes. The little melodies he comes up with, or how he decides to harmonize a certain verse. It intrigues me. I sit there, maybe for hours or before we turn off the lights for bed, and he will just work on something and try to perfect it by doing this note or that note and trying singing it like that or this. If there's a quality of him that makes me the happiest is that. His musical talent to come up with things on the spot. Other than that, he just makes me happy and I adore him for that.

Today's just been a slow day other than those sweet little memories. I've edited and edited non-stop. Dan's over at Suzy and Arin's grumping. He was happy this morning when he left but then he texted me that he had a feeling that his day was going to suck. Arin had pulled out Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Which isn't that bad. It's just a bunch of jump-scares... Wait... When I first moved out here, I remember he tended to leave the room a lot when Arin and I played some horror games. He's not scared of scary games is he? Oh, that's just great! I'm so gonna tease him when he gets home! I stopped editing just to run downstairs and grab all my horror movies and games. This is going to be great. We're so having a horror movie marathon and we'll start it off with some tasteful horror games like Silent Hill and Outlast, if I can set up my laptop here. Maybe I should order some pizza... Wings? Yeah, we're gonna need those. I can make a fort myself... Maybe... Possibly... Fuck it, I'm trying it. It doesn't look great but it'll do. All I need to wait on is the pizza... And Dan too since he is vital to this mission. This may be the meanest thing I've done to him but it sounds like such a fun idea.

(A/N: It's filler and kind of a catch-up since I've been gone longer than anticipated! So is the next one but it'll be adorable, so stay tuned! Also, it's late in the night and I'm experimenting with writing so I kind of hope you liked this twist on Jordan's mind thoughts? I don't know, what it'd be called. xD)

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