Chapter 15: Stop And Stare (Dans' Perspective)

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I woke up to the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. I walk in and there's bacon, eggs and pancakes. Oh, and of course coffee.

"Morning, I'm sorry about how awkward it was last night. So I wanted to make it up to you."

"Oh, thanks I guess."

"Don't worry about it." She makes me a plate, then herself one. All the leftovers get thrown away besides the bacon. She saved that, god bless her.

"So we Bueller-ing today?"

"Yeah we can. You just need to get ready and we'll go."

"Mmkay." I finish and go get ready. I look over at her and notice she's already ready. She also looks like she's been up for hours. Same outfit as yesterday, though. I just put the outfit I was wearing yesterday on too. It'd be a waste of perfectly clean clothes. I walk out and the plate of bacon is nearly gone.

"What?" Jordan says with her mouth stuffed with bacon. I laugh at her and she smiles.

"Nothing just thought you'd save me some."

"Sharings not in my vocabulary remember?"

"Whatever. Want to get going now?"

"Yeah." She grabs her phone, wallet and keys. We both walk to her car and start driving to Wrigley Stadium.

"The San Francisco Giants are my baseball team. Ironic, huh?"


"Oh gross. San Francisco 49ers, you?"

"All Hail, The New York Giants!"

"My favourite part of Madagascar and you just ruined it."

"What about basketball?"

"Chicago Bulls. I'm guessing you're a Knicks fan?"

"Easy guess." She pulls up into the parking lot and parks.

"There's no game so this was a waste of gas."

"We can't go in?"

"Not today. They're cleaning the park."

"Then why'd we come?"

"Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?" We started driving to the art museum and it takes us about a few minutes to get there.

"Here we are. Probably one of the most famous movie poses ever was filmed here. Too bad it's only the two of us or we could've recreated it."

"Damn it." She smiles and we get out of the car. She refuses to let me pay for us both to get in.

"Isn't the guy supposed to pay?"

"Traditionally yes but I don't do traditions." We walk through the whole museum maybe twice until we decide to leave. It's almost sundown so Jordan starts driving to a Chili's near the house. We get seated and just browse the menu.

"Maybe we can finally go swimming after we eat."

"What makes you say that?"

"You don't need to worry about it."

"Okay... Will you at least let me pay for us here?"

"No. Here's the deal. You let me pay for everything while we're here in Chicago and you can pay for us in New York. Deal?" She stuck out her hand for me to shake over the table.

"Fine we have a deal." I shake her hand and she smiles and says, 'Yay!' We order, wait a long wait for our food, eat, Jordan pays, then we head back to the apartment complex.

"When we get inside we'll change into bathing suits and head to the pool." Once we head inside we both go change. I grab two towels from the closet while I wait for Jordan to come out. She walks out in shorts and a bikini top. But it's not one of those skanky tops it actually looks nice.

"Dude, you're whiter than I am!" I forgot I'm not wearing my shirt.

"And you could pull off crop tops." She pokes my stomach then runs out the door.

"That was uncalled for!"

"No, it wasn't. Let's go!" She yells out. I walk down the stairs and she's almost half way to the pool. I try to be quiet when I run to sneak up on her. I go and taser her on her sides and she jumps and screams. She starts hitting me.

"Holy fucking shit! That was uncalled for you ass. Scared the living shit out of me. I just poked your stomach, not taser you. Jesus fucking Christ, Daniel." I can't help but laugh.

"You sure do rant when you're pissed."

"Deal with it, bitch!" She goes and unlocks the pool door.

"Yes! We're the only ones here. I don't like when other people are at the pool."

"I don't think anyone does." We just continue to talk and swim for a good 2 hours. I think I got to know her better. More of her interests and more of mine. She truly is a fucking weirdo like me. It's a good weird.

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now